Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Oil-For-Food Transition Page
Welcome to the CPA Oil for Food Transition Page
As part of the Iraq transition of sovereignty, on July 1, 2004 the administration of the Oil for Food program will transfer from the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) to the individual Iraq ministries. Since the inception of the CPA Oil for Food Coordination Center on November 21, 2003, the CPA has worked with the Iraqi ministries to impart all business procedures related to the processing of Oil for Food contracts. As many suppliers have already experienced, decisions regarding Oil for Food contracts were made jointly between the CPA and the Iraqi ministries. July 1, 2004 will be a turning point where Iraqi ministries will independently process all matters relevant to remaining Oil for Food contracts.
(Chart Pictured on WebPage)
Beginning June 15, 2004, the Oil for Food Coordination Center will no longer accept supplier inquiries and will refer all issues to the appropriate Iraqi ministries. This closure is to allow completion of the necessary administration associated with the transfer. We urge all suppliers to begin contacting and familiarizing themselves with the appropriate Iraqi ministry prior to the transition date.
Please also be advised that there will be a two-week period from June 15, 2004 through June 30, 2004 where all new Letter of Credit amendment requests will not be processed. This is to facilitate the transfer and migration of all data and information directly to ministries prior to July 1, 2004. The holding period will enable the ministries to quickly and efficiently expedite responses to inquiries in areas such as Letter of Credit Amendments, Ad hoc Authentications, and Payment Inquiries after the transition.
If you desire a more detailed explanation regarding the history and transition of the Oil for Food program please refer to the following websites:
United Nations Oil for Food Program website:
If you have specific questions regarding the transition that cannot be answered on the websites listed above, please email
The CPA Oil for Food Coordination Center has closed as part of the transition of authority to the new interim Iraqi government. Please direct any inquiries to the appropriate, specific Iraqi ministry your contract is supporting. We request your patience during this transition period and regret we will be unable to respond to your inquiry. Thank you for your cooperation.
Ministry of Agriculture | |
Ministry of Communications | |
Ministry of Education | |
Ministry of Health | |
Ministry of Housing & Construction | |
Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works | |
Ministry of Trade | |
Ministry of Water Resources | |
Ministry of Oil | |
Ministry of Electricity | |
Ministry of Transportation | |
Ministry of Industry and Minerals | |
Ministry of Interior | |
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs | |
Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research | |
Ministry of Youth & Sports | |
Ministry of Culture | |
Board of Supreme Audit | |
Central Bank of Iraq | |
Baghdad Mayoralty Office | |
Supplier Code of Conduct
The United Nations Security Council Resolution (SCR) 1483 (2003) transferred the responsibility for the Oil for Food Programme to the Coalition Provisional Authority. Further, it requires that the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) be used in a “transparent manner” to meet the humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people. In order to meet the obligations of SCR 1483, the Oil for Food Coordination Center is publishing rules of conduct applicable to suppliers with existing, unperformed obligations arising from written agreements classified as approved, funded and prioritized Oil for Food contracts. The Coordination Center will continue to support the Oil for Food Programme through 30 June 2004. After that date, the Ministries will assume control of the program but will be advised to adopt similar ethical tenets for all business transactions. Further information as to how the transition of responsibility from the Coordination Center to the Ministries will affect the suppliers will be published as it is received.
In general, all suppliers are expected to deal fairly and honestly with the Oil for Food Coordination Center and Ministry representatives. In particular, all suppliers must:
(1) supply goods at the lowest price each supplier is willing to accept for any necessary adjustments (upward) or downward in the total contract value by taking into account all amendments (and their associated costs) to a particular contract;
(2) fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract;
(3) responsively provide delivery of the goods as specified in the original contract (if not addressed in an amendment or in the most recent contract amendment); and
(4) adhere to any promises to provide installation and/or after sales service or maintenance of any delivered goods requiring such attention under the contract terms.
Suppliers will not contact the independent inspection agent for any reason, unless specifically directed to by the Oil for Food Coordination Center. Any contact with an Oil for Food Coordination Center or Ministry representative, initiated by the supplier, may not include any attempt to influence the representative to act favorably toward the supplier whether the attempt is made by:
(1) gift;
(2) an exchange of an item(s) of any value (nominal or otherwise) in return for favorable treatment (this includes secret “commissions” and/or kickbacks);
(3) threat of harm (physical or otherwise) directed at the representative, or the representative’s coworkers, family members, or friends;
(4) a third party on behalf of a supplier;
(5) an offer for a work position or sales opportunity with the supplier’s company or the supplier’s associates.
Suppliers will not attempt to engage in any fraudulent practices to receive favorable treatment of their contract(s). This list of practices may include, but does not exclusively include:
(1) forging letter of credits to insert unapproved amendments;
(2) including in e-mails false information regarding agreements made with respect to a supplier’s contract(s); and
(3) attempting to call or personally contact anyone in the Coordination Center to provide false information to effect changes in a supplier’s contract(s).
Any colorable evidence of violations of any of the above provisions, or other attempts to unduly influence Coordination Center and/or Ministry representatives, allows the Oil for Food Coordination Center and/or Ministry representatives to avail itself of any and every remedy in law or equity, or as agreed to by the parties in any contract. These remedies include but are not limited to:
(1) declaring the contract(s)* discharged by nonperformance;
(2) anticipatorily repudiating the balance of the unperformed obligations under a contract;
(3) declaring the supplier in material breach of the contract;
(4) barring the supplier from consideration for future contracts.
*If the supplier has more than one contract under the Oil for Food Program, all contracts will be considered eligible for discharge by nonperformance.
Helpful Links
Shipping terms explained
United Nations Office of the Iraq Program homepage
United Nations Joint Logistics Centre
World Food Program
661 Approved, Prioritized and Amended OFF Contracts
661 Approved, Prioritized but Unapproved Amended OFF Contracts
Removed from List of Amendable OFF Contracts as of 21 November 03
OFF Contracts Determined to have No Relative Utility as per UNSCR 1483, Paragraph 16
OFF Contracts with Small Balances Deemed Null/Void
661 Approved and Unfunded OFF Contracts
Unapproved OFF Contracts
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