Conspiratorial Folly (But... Maybe Not)
Since Russia (Putin) and Bill Clinton were so involved in the original intelligence provided President Bush (via the CIA)...
Do you think it's possible that Putin, in league with the other Food-For-Oil thieves, manipulated the intelligence to make it more "convincing" than it really was in an attempt to remove Bush from office? Possibly Blair (thrown in for good measure and to add an air of authenticity to the mangled intelligence)?
Putin, Clinton (Marc Rich/Hillary's bid), Chirac, and who else? Italy (maybe)? UK (because they're allies)?
I'm seeing this connection. Is anyone else?
Of course, Kerry's pushing this because of his connection to George Soros (Marc Rich/Bill Clinton). Kerry is certainly of a "Eurabian" school of thought with his constant pushing to have France join the United States as a full-fledged, table sharing friend again. Chirac (France) was probably the one (country) profiting the most from the secret deal with Saddam Hussein.
Intelligence gathering is fragile business. People are bought and sold every day. It's a manipulative business and there is no trust among spies.
The Oil-For-Food thieves took enough money, with a firm nod from Saddam Hussein, to manipulate their agents and/or create new ones. Intelligence suppliers change from day-to-day, even those working on the same information. Money is a major tool in the intelligence industry.
Perhaps the countries which stamped the intelligence Bush and Blair received were in league (via the Oil-For-Food rape) with the "Eurabia" theory and this was all intentional to disrupt the balance of power between USA/UK/Israel and to knock President Bush out of office to replace him with someone (Kerry and/or Hillary Clinton) sympathetic to the "Eurabian" mindset.
Intelligence flows from the bottom up and, along the way, information is bent, folded, spun, and mutilated. It all has to be checked and checked again. Perhaps the high-level people benefitting from the "Eurabian" Oil-For-Food scandal found their "in" for changing the scope and balance of power in the world... shifting it from USA/UK/Israel back to "Eurabia".
This lack of solid intelligence and the lack of WMD in Iraq (as reported by the recent Comprehensive CIA report, dated 30 September 2004) are giving the USA and the UK a very black eye and the "embarrassment" around the world. How do we recover from such a huge error in which we had complete and total (world-verified) faith?
I've seen movies with plots more complicated and somehow, what I've outlined above seems very plausible to me.
If Saddam Hussein didn't have any WMD, what the HELL were the UN inspectors there reporting on and why the HELL did it take them so long? David Kay needs to be re-examined for his possible role in the Oil-For-Food scandal, too.
The terrorists are STILL being financed by someone. Who? Chirac? Putin? Soros?
Anything to bring the current government of the United States down (President Bush) so it can be replaced with a spineless, wealthy, "Eurabia" theory-sympathetic dove... John Kerry.
These "politicos" were smart enough to know the USA doesn't "back" it's wars anymore.
Kerry simply mentioning VietNam was enough to bring it all back from the 60s and 70s and the same radical leftists are banging their drums of peace, visions of yesteryear dancing in their hobbled minds. But Kerry had to keep hammering it home. VietNam, VietNam, VietNam... every chance he got, which is damn near every time he opens his mouth.
These slimy curs knew there would be an uprising within the United States, by its own citizens, against the President because of the constant comparisons to VietNam. They knew American citizens, and almost all the citizens of other countries, could be swayed (because most of them are politically retarded) to believe every decision the President has made since 9/11 was evil and/or morally wrong. Kerry perpetuates the lies and remains sympathetic to the "Eurabian" theory and the people (countries) that want to dismantle us.
Kerry, like the UN, Chirac, Putin, Soros, Rich, Annan, Kay, Clinton(s), and others... is very dangerous.
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