The Man Who Would Be President, Part IV
The Man Who Would Be President
Part IV
Danny Calhoun
September 27, 2004
In last week's article "The Man Who Would Be President, Part 3," I stated that my opinion was that Kerry served "50 to 60 days" on Swift Boat patrol. Further research has revealed that according to military records Kerry went on 18 missions totaling 48 days. Not all these missions involved any combat.
This is Part 4 of a series of articles about Kerry's phony war record.
If you would like copies of articles 1-3 please contact me, or go to
These facts are based on military records, boat logs and the sworn statements of 254 men who served with Kerry on the Swift Boats. They include most boat commanders who served alongside him, all his commanding officers and over 200 crewmen who served with and alongside him. This includes 2 members of his crew.
Kerry chooses to attack the 254 men instead of disproving their allegations. All he would have to do is release ALL his military records. He refuses to release them.
Some are criticizing me because I dare reveal these facts about Kerry's phony heroics, which he has always used as the center stone of his campaign(s). These same people see nothing wrong with Kerry supporters spending almost 70 million dollars in anti-Bush attack ads comparing him to Hitler and saying things like he poisoned pregnant women (MOVEON.ORG). In any case the truth needs to be known about this man who dishonored every person who proudly served in Vietnam.
On March 13, 1969, Kerry, Special Forces soldier Rassman and others were on patrol and were searching a deserted village thought to be a Viet Cong supply center. They found a large hidden cache of rice. Kerry threw a grenade into the rice to destroy it. As he was walking away the grenade exploded causing a small pieces of shrapnel and burning rice to strike him in the left buttocks. These "wounds" were "negligently self-inflicted non-combat related" and did not qualify for a Purple Heart.
Kerry verifies this with his own words in his personal journal when he wrote, "I got a piece of small grenade in my ass from one of the rice bin explosions."
A short time later Kerry's boat and 5 others were on patrol in an area where the river was only approximately 50 yards wide. Operating in the center of the river the boats were only 25 yards from the banks. A mine was electronically detonated under one of the boats, PCF-3. This was a very common VC tactic. They would detonate a mine then leave the area in anticipation of the tremendous amount of fire that could be expected from the boats. Several men from PCF-3 were injured and thrown into the water. Rassman, who was on Kerry's boat, was also blown into the water.
Based on accounts from all present Kerry then left the location to a point approximately one half mile down river. The remaining 4 boats then began firing a tremendous amount of rounds at the riverbanks, which was normal procedure. There were at least eight 50 caliber machine guns, several 30 caliber machine guns, M-60 machine guns, M-79 Grenade Launchers and numerous automatic rifles all firing thousands of rounds at the river banks.
When it was determined that the 4 boats were receiving no return fire they stopped firing and went about rescuing the men in the water. Kerry then returned to the location.
Kerry wrote the after operation report for the incident. According to his report he describes that after the mine detonated "Boats red heavy from automatic weapons and small arms fire from both banks. Fire continued for about 5,000 meters." Kerry was stating that the boats ran a gauntlet of intense fire from both sides, 3.2 miles long and 50 yards wide. It is interesting to note that with all this hostile fire reported by Kerry, that after the initial mine explosion, no one on any of the 5 boats present was wounded nor was any boat damaged.
Kerry returned to the area and rescued Rassman from the water.
Rassman's statement was that he was thrown into the water by the mine detonation. He said his worst fear was that he would be run over by the boats. He said he dived to the bottom of the river and stayed there until he heard all the boats go by. He then surfaced and heard bullets "whizzing by and hitting the water around him." Kerry's boat came to pick him up. He states he climbed a net at the front of Kerry's boat. He was unable to climb over the railing and Kerry helped him onto the boat.
Kerry's report states that while under intense enemy fire he rescued Rassman from the water. His report also indicates that he was wounded when the mine detonated. He describes his injuries as "a shrapnel wound on his right arm and (are you ready for this) a shrapnel wound in his left buttocks, in the same place where he had received the shrapnel in the earlier rice bin incident.
Kerry's medical records indicate he was treated for a "minor contusion (bruise) on his arm, not a shrapnel wound, and had shrapnel and burnt rice particles removed from his left buttocks."
This might be a good time to consider what a coincidence it is that Kerry received 2 different wounds, in the same place, in 2 different incidents only a few hours apart.
It should also be asked how Kerry received burnt rice particles in his buttocks from the mine explosion. In any case, based on his report Kerry received a third unearned Purple Heart and a ticket home. It is also interesting to note that Rassman recommended Kerry for a Silver Star for rescuing him. He was awarded a Bronze Star instead, based on the report he wrote.
All other boat commanders present and all crewmen present, who volunteered to make statements, all signed sworn affidavits that "other than the mine detonation they received no hostile fire."
Rassman states that he was blown from Kerry's boat by the mine detonation. He dove to the bottom and waited until the boats passed over him. He then surfaced and heard the gunfire all around him. Consider this, when he surfaced he had just been blown off the boat. He was dazed and had just spent time at the bottom of the river. When he surfaced the 4 boats were firing thousands of rounds at both riverbanks. Many of the rounds being fired were ricocheting back into the water. Rassman was not lying, he was just confused.
As stated, and sworn to by all boat commanders and most crewmen present, when Kerry returned to rescue Rassman there was no fire at all, enemy or friendly.
Boat Commander Thurlow's sworn affidavit states that after the firing stopped (from the 4 boats) his boat rescued several crewmen from the water and began trying to save the boat which had been blown up by the mine. He says when Kerry returned there was no firing what so ever. Thurlow stated " When the chips were down you could not count on John Kerry."
Boat Commander Chenoweth in his sworn affidavit states that he was preparing to rescue Rassman from the water when Kerry's boat returned and picked him up. His boat was right beside Kerry's. Chenoweth states that at that time no firing was taking place. Chenoweth later stated "His (Kerry's) account of what happened and what really happened are as different as night and day."
Crewman Van Odell, who was on the boat next to Kerry's (Chenoweth's) when Rassman was rescued, stated, "Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star ... I know. I was there."
Also remember that most of those present never read Kerry's report of the incident until 2004.
The Kerry campaign has reported that Thurlow also received a Bronze Star for this incident. They point out that Thurlow's medal citation states he was rescuing men in the water "while receiving enemy fire." They use this as part of their campaign to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group. But, when made aware of this Thurlow stated that he received his Bronze Star 3 months after returning from Vietnam. He assumed it was for rescuing men in the water. He repeated that "there was no enemy fire" during the incident and that if his medal was based on there being enemy fire then it was false and unearned and that he would return it. This statement never made the news.
More next week on Kerry's heroics.
But then that's just my opinion -- based on facts and the truth.
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