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Jimmy Carter last night (10.18.04) on Letterman
"I thought the war was unjust and unfounded."
unjust and unfounded to go to war because multiple resolutions signed by the entire body of the United Nations requiring complete transparency from Iraq (Saddam) were arrogantly ignored?
unjust and unfounded because the intelligence in the world community was the same about Saddam and his weaponry. everyone had the same intelligence. everyone, including the United Nations agreed Saddam Hussein was in breech of the multiple embargos against him. everyone!
Saddam Husseim BOUGHT France, Russia, Germany, and China with Oil-For-Food money and favors in return for their veto against America.
because the United States was the only country strong enough to demand Saddam account for his numerous and continuing violations and told Saddam and the United Nations, "enough is enough."
how is it this "great humanitarian", Carter, can turn a blind eye to the years of suffering of the people in Iraq under Saddam's Oil-For-Food rape? how can he NOT KNOW Saddam stole billions of dollars from the Iraqi people leaving them with meager rations, expired vaccines and medicines, cheap and shoddy machinery; barely enough to survive; while Saddam reconstituted his weaponry with a certain lean toward nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. he had scientists working on turning Reisin into an aerosol spray. how's THAT for a weapon of mass destruction?
not only has this "great humanitarian", Carter, turned a blind eye to the years of suffering of the Iraqi people, he has turned a blind eye to the egregious and treacherous behavior of the body of the UN. France, Russia, Germany, and China to be more specific.
these are the countries that agreed to veto any American action of force toward Iraq in enforcing the resolutions they all signed. all fourteen of them.
we weren't backed up in the United Nations by France, Russia, Germany, and China because when it got down to brass tacks, these countries saw their almost-free pipeline of oil and cash beginning to dry up because America demanded Saddam keep his word to the United Nations and the rest of the civilized world.
Saddam, by using Oil-For-Food money, got these countries to agree to supply all the weaponry and intelligence necessary for a war with the United States despite the arms embargo against him. Saddam paid them to agree to veto any act of force coming from the United States toward Iraq. billions and billions of dollars.
maybe if i "comic book" it for the one's unable to comprehend such treachery...
"Hey, Jacques. It's me, Saddam.
I've got some more oil vouchers, ya want 'em? You can have them for pennies on the dollar and re-sell it. Whatever profit you make, send back two percent, okay? Deal? Deal.
Oh, while you're at it, please send us repair parts for this missile system and send some machinery so I can get my nuclear stuff up and running again, cool? Cool. Just write "factory equipment" on the manifest. It'll move right through. Thanks, Jacques. *chuckle*
No, no, no. *laughing* America will never know what hit them. I've increased the salaries of my scientists ten-fold and they're working day and night on getting the nuclear stuff started again. It's going great. They're also close putting Reisen into a small spray can. Yeah. Like that Binaca breath stuff. I could kill thousands with one little spritz. Send one of Osama's trainees over to the United States and let him walk through a school or an office building, some mode of public transportation. Hell, I'll send hundreds of the guys over there. They all want to have their seventy virgins. I can wipe the place out in a matter of days.
Be sure to thank Patrick for me, will you? He's getting you all the cash you need, right? Good.
You heard what Shakir was able to pull off? *laughing* It was great! Worked like a charm! The way he got that idiot has-been UN weapons inspector and arrested internet pedophile, Scott Ritter, to make a propaganda film for me was wild, wasn't it? Shakir has always been a supporter of mine. It's nice to have friends in America. Yeah. I know George Soros. Marc Rich! Yeah. Him, too. He's really buddy-buddy with Clinton, ya know... Oh, you did know that. *smirk* Good to have friends in high places, isn't it?
Did you know Clinton actually turned down four opportunities to "get" Osama? Yeah! Four! What a fool. Worried about public and world opinion. And probably his wife, too. *wild laughter* What a schmuck. Doesn't have the balls. *laughing* Yeah, Monica was busy licking them for him. *howling* I've got all the Democrats thinking one thing while I'm doing another. What is that saying from the Bible? Don't let Peter know what Paul is doing? Stupid Ritter. What a fool.
But, I will have the hearts and the minds of the Democrats in America. They need a "cause" and I have the perfect angle to feed them. *laughing* The Democrats bought it, but, they're easily bought. *whispering* They're the one's on the governemnt dole there. They've always got their hand out for something. Not the self-made type, the Democrats. They need to be led. The Democrats have no mind to speak of. Seen Star Trek? They're like the Borg. They do the bidding of the Democratic politicians. Damn! Look at the time! I gotta call Vlad! Remember, Jacques -- VETO! VETO! VETO! *chuckling*
"Vlad! Hey! It's your old buddy, Saddam. How are those oil vouchers workin' for ya? Everything going okay? Good. Good.
Listen... I wanted to tell you what a good job you did in convincing everyone in the intelligence community I had all those weapon systems up and running after i pretended to dismantle everything. You convinced the Italians, the British, and even the Americans. What a coup! That was a stroke of genius, Vlad. Damn, I love having all of these billions to buy people with. They'll do anything for money. But, you already know that, don't you, Vlad?
I need some really cool weapons; long-range missiles, bombs, launchers, rocket-propelled grenades and launchers. How may? Hell, man! I'm going to war with America, send me a shit load! *chuckle* Stupid sons of bitches. *more chuckling*
Siphoning this money through Kofi was the best plan I've ever dreamed up. The Americans will never suspect a thing. What's that? Yeah, yeah. They've voiced complaints about the peculiarities in the books, but... well, you know how smooth Kofi is, right? *laughing* He's got 'em snowed completely. Hell! He's the UN! Yeah, yeah. His son, Kojo, is doing a bang-up job.
What? Bush? Well, I'm really pissed push has come to shove. It's not going to affect your cash flow, though, Vlad. It's only going to get America in an uproar. All the seeds have been perfectly planted. They thought 9/11 was bad? *chuckling*
Hell, Osama's boys have been here for years training. Yeah. I built them some really good training camps. Salman Pak? Yeah! That's one of the training camps. Heard of it, have you? *chuckle* Always filled with willing recruits. Osama's one good egg, isn't he? Hey, have you heard from him lately? Me neither.
Okay, Vlad, send me the weapons systems as soon as possible and a check for my two percent. Write up the manifest as "water pumps", no one will suspect. Is your TV on? Baghdad Bob's doin' alright for us, isn't he? Denying the Americans are even here. Wait until we start lobbing some of the missiles you and Jacques have set their way. It'll be raining helicopters! *chuckle* I love a good war. Alrighty! Cool! Say it with me, Vlad... VETO! VETO! VETO! *laughing*"
"Gerhardt! Guten tag! How ya doin'? Good. Good. Listen, Gerhardt, you're honoring your commitment to me to veto the United States if they want to start a war with me, right? You're cool, right? *chuckling* Money talks, huh, Gerhardt? Yes. Yes. They have no idea, and, if we keep this way on the down low, I'll own their asses. What's that? The food baskets? Yes, they're arriving and being passed out. *snicker* Barely enough to keep them alive, though. Just the way I like it. Dependent upon me for every morsel they get. If they get it. Oh, Gerhardt! You should have seen it! It was hilarious. The Iraqi people all lined up at a medical clinic for medicines. The doctors and nurses were handing out expired stuff! Expired! They won't get well, hell, the effects of an expired drug could, hopefully, kill the grubby little beggars. I had to wipe the tears from my eyes I was laughing so hard. What? Oh, I've got a new HUMMER. Gold. Very nice. Came in through Kofi's kid. Yeah. Called it a "farm truck" on the manifest. Nah. No one suspects a thing. I'll let ya get back to your beer, Gerhardt. C'mon. Say it with me... VETO! VETO! VETO! *hysterical laughter*"
"Hello? China? Check? Cool. VETO! VETO! VETO! Bye!"
months go by
Jacques and Vlad are on the phone to one another:
"Jacques! It's Vlad. About Kerry... What? He's already called you? You're kidding! *belly laugh* What did he say? Friends? *roaring with laughter* Friends? Oh, that is funny. What a fool! Of course you led him on, didn't you? Good, Jacques. Timing is everything. When he needs us the most to bolster his "they're our friends" campaign, let's publicly cut him off. Watch. He's so stupid and arrogant, he'll keep on insisting to the Democrat Americans that Europe is on his side. He's fed them so much shit already, the Democrats don't know what to believe.
Hey! See if you have some pull to influence an early vote. You know, before November 2nd. Once a vote is cast, it's cast in America. *chuckle* Well, the Democrats have their ways of turning one vote into dozens, but, we need Kerry in the White House so we can keep up this money making thing. Cool, Jacques, I knew you had some ties. Kerry'll be calling me any minute. I better hang up. I don't want an aid taking a message on this one. *laughing* Kerry is so hungry for popularity and to be friends with you and me politically, he'll say and promise anything to the American people for a vote. Our kind of guy!
And you know what the beauty part of all this is? Only one news station is giving any information about this Oil-For-Food rape we have going on. Only one! And the newspapers are so liberal, they'll never get it to print. The liberals are so hell-bent on removing the only guy who had the balls to stand up to Saddam, they've lost sight of the real issue. Us! *laughing* Saddam's plan has worked. We've turned America into a divided country we can now conquer with all this money we've stolen. We can pass it around to other "Saddam's" and get rid of the United States once and for all."
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