Oh, Those Ka-WAY-zee Lefties I Know
I've been away for a few days. Always nice to peruse the "ohkneel" boards upon my return.
It's Election Day. I'm wide awake and have no intention of going back to sleep. I'm nervous, excited, anxious, quietly confident, and a little bit frightened. That's why my confidence is quiet.
In reading the chronologically backward post below, I kept thinking...
Kerry is STILL a traitor.
He's giving aid and comfort, publicly, to our enemies. John Kerry believes, if given the chance to continue, sanctions were working (Soros/Rich/Clinton). Literally, he believes this. France and Russia are as much our enemies now as Russia was back during the years of the Cold War. Yet day after day, after day, after day; Kerry SWEARS they are our friends. We (The USA) need to apologize for our bad behavior (the war in Iraq), we need to get "back on track" in the world, we need to be contrite for our actions against Saddam Hussein and maybe the world (France, Russia, and China) will forgive us (though they paid Saddam to kill us) and maybe they'll think about helping us again (to which France and Russia gave distinct negative replies to Kerry's arrogant "invitation"). These enemy countries thought they could do it secretly, that they'd get away with it, or; that by the time we figured it out, it'd be too late, but they've been caught (through the Oil-For-Food documents).
John Kerry, at every opportunity, demonstrates his desire to be a "world" united. Fine, John, fine. But not until we punish those that were duplicitous in their fervent desire to annihilate us. Do you get that, John Kerry? Do you get that? Do you even have an inkling?
Yet, the Kerrobots, blinded with their daily doses of party Kool-Aid, follow willingly, a traitor; a self-wounder; a liar; an opportunist; an elitist; a patsy of Eurabia.
Sun Oct 31 01:27 ~ - Subject: What Will You Do If The Man You Call "Traitor" Wins The Presidency?
Lethal said:
I'd really like to know.
Mon Nov 01 09:58 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
lessa said:
it's an election year....i always get involved..more outspoken during election years....
that is when i try to let my voice be heard ...loud and clear....
did you miss that last sentence??
and wait for next election to come around.....
Mon Nov 01 06:09 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
jerseygurl said:
i'll do just what i did when Clinton was elected and then re-elected, pray that the country survives and wait it out.
Mon Nov 01 05:00 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Lethal said:
lessa...."unless i am pulled into an argument about politics? i keep my views to myself...and wait for next election to come around....."
So who or what pulled you into making the eight top-level posts you have on this cork right now?
Mon Nov 01 01:47 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
crissy's Nude said:
I will be working towards 2008 and a new Presidential Candidate personally!
Mon Nov 01 00:32 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Director said:
Some of you folks need to get a dictionary. And, dear naughty, your opinion is not necessarily a fact. Can't you get that?
And, lessa, your examples scarcely show "aid and comfort."
Oh, well....
You folks probably still believe in a connection between the World Trade Center disaster and Saddam Hussein, that a flying saucer crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, and in ghosts.
Sun Oct 31 17:30 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Nordic Master said:
It's really a pretty sad state of affairs nowadays..... people can commit treason.... murder.... blow jobs in the Oval Office...and you name it..... and not only get away with it..... but remain popular with the general public.... well... at least some of the general public.
Sun Oct 31 17:24 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
lessa said:
Tom Black....
so...taken the facts i posted below....and they are facts...not opinion...kerry did everything i said he did...and the quote on the definition of treason is taken right out of the constitution...so...given those facts...how can you say: "John Kerry is only a traitor in your mind. It's a delusion." true, he was not arrested and tried...but that doesn't make his actions any less treasonous...and his actions? pretty much speak for themselves...
Sun Oct 31 16:59 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Nordic Master said:
I would call him a traitor !!!!..... the man gave comfort and support to the enemy when we were at war..... those acts are not to be forgotten or to be forgiven in my book.
The fact that he may be elected is very sad.... because too many people don't realize that the man is a fake and will do and say anything to get an election win.
He should have been tried for treason and punished accordingly...... then all this election stuff involving him would never have happened.
Sun Oct 31 16:26 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
DarkFantasy said:
Sun Oct 31 16:19 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)flutterby Ë Ë & Lethal...
"...What Will You Do If The Man You Call "Traitor" Wins The Presidency?..."
your statement presupposes a question...
please, see lessa's post below...
he has clearly engaged in traitorous acts - treason....
don't sweat it said:
Kerry won't win
Sun Oct 31 15:52 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Visitor said:
.Those who can not handle the truth are welcome to leave
Sun Oct 31 13:14 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
His~white bitch~ said:
~grins... spotting the dancing chick from the mean streets...~
No need to get pissy, mirella.
Sun Oct 31 13:05 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
mirella said:
Rolling my eyes, shaking my head, and walking out of this string and this right-wing cork.
Sun Oct 31 12:43 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
naughty said:
Tom Black...the facts have more than made me right...
My eyes are wide...are yours
Sun Oct 31 12:43 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
His~white bitch~ said:
~grins... waving to Tom Black...~
Hiya Tom! LTNS. But, tell me when personal opinions suddenly became hate mongering?
*l* Betcha a million bucks you think Bush is an asshole. Hmm?
Sun Oct 31 12:41 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Tom Black said:
Sun Oct 31 12:36 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)You're are a believer.... unfortunately the facts prove you wrong and what you believe has been debunked and revealed as just another dirty trick/
naughty said:
Tom Black no it's factual. He was a traitor to his fellow soldiers and his country. Those who vote for him just hate to admit they overlooked these facts about him and still voted for him.
Sun Oct 31 12:34 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Tom Black said:
Don't be ridiculous. you sound like one of those mouths on the radio.... babbling to their closed-minded audience. John Kerry is only a traitor in your mind. It's a delusion.
Sun Oct 31 12:32 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
naughty said:
that is..it is stating...
Sun Oct 31 12:32 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
naughty said:
Tom Black it stating a distinct fact about John Kerry.
Sun Oct 31 12:25 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Tom Black said:
It's not namecalling, it's hate-mongering.
Sun Oct 31 12:18 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
His~white bitch~ said:
~laughing wildly... unable to resist the opportunity.... waving to naughty and hollering...~
Kerry is an Asshole!
Sun Oct 31 12:06 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
naughty said:
flutterby Ë
I was stating a fact, not namecalling. Guess you do not not know difference. Nope if I called him an asshole or variations of his names in a derogatory manner...then I'd be namecalling. I don't do that. Too bad the liberals don't. He betrayed his soldiers, that is being a traitor since you obviously don't know the meaning.
Sun Oct 31 10:13 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
His~white bitch~ said:
In all honesty, I haven't even thought of Kerry becoming President because I believe Bush will be re-elected.
Kerry is indeed a traitor. And, that is not name calling, it's a fact.
If, by some stroke of magic, Kerry wins? Hmmm. Not much I can do but suffer thru his administration or wait til he is impeached.
Sun Oct 31 09:30 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Lord Mikhail said:
I wont call him a traitor..
but i will let his acts speak for themselves...
when he allows them to be seen
Sun Oct 31 08:45 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
lessa said:
flutterby Ë Ë
calling him a traitor is quite simply the truth...
July 17, 1971 -- Following a month-long speaking tour of the Soviet Union and other countries, six VVAW and CCI members meet with PRG representatives in Paris to show support for the communist peace plan.
July 20, 1971 -- Leaders of the VVAW hold a staff meeting. They agree to use the designations favored by North Vietnam (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and the Vietcong (Provisional Revolutionary Government) for future press releases, decide to remove all American flags from VVAW offices.
July 24, 1971 -- The Daily World features a photograph of John Kerry speaking in support of the Provisional Revolutionary Government (Vietcong) Seven Point Plan.
August, 1971 -- Kerry travels to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese delegation to the Paris Peace Talks. Source: FBI HQ 100-448092 Section 5, 216-231 (esp. 230).
now let's look at the definition of "traitor" from the constitution....
Article III. - The Judicial Branch
Section 3 - Treason NoteTreason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
now let's look at kerry again....
November 7, 1971 -- John Kerry tells the Sunday Oklahoman that the political power structure within the United States can and must change if the nation is to avoid violent efforts to seize power, saying, "If it (the government) doesn't change we are asking for trouble. If it is not done, those who are talking about seizing it will have every right to go after it." [see page 251 of Section 10 of the VVAW FBI files]
to protest is one thing....to meet with the enemy and then bring their demands home and advance them is quite another...why America turned a blind eye to these traitors is beyond me...
so..a traitor he was...he helped the enemy in VietNam...he assisted in their victory against the United States....the point is not whether he was a traitor or not...plainly he was....the only question is why he was not prosecuted for his crimes....
now, as to what i do if kerry is elected? i shut up...i have said that before...i continue to follow politics closely...and i continue to speak out in the proper form when i see something i don't like...ie. mails to the whitehouse, my senators, my congressmen...but unless i am pulled into an argument about politics? i keep my views to myself...and wait for next election to come around.....
Sun Oct 31 08:03 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
flutterby Ë said:
"I will not do any name calling as the liberals on this cork have done..."
But calling him a traitor isn't name calling??? You must have a very close definition of what name calling is, naughty. ~laughs~
Sun Oct 31 07:30 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
naughty said:
I am having trouble with that letter after o LOL
Sun Oct 31 07:15 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
naughty said:
As I've said before, I will give him the respect he is due for his job in our nation. I will be ready for the higher taxes. I do believe he is a traitor. I will not do any name calling as the liberals on this cork have done to Bush because I feel it is crass and shows a lack of decency and upbringing.
Sun Oct 31 06:49 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Vietnam Veteran said:
If John Kerry is elected to the presidency, a traitor will have been elected to the presidency. If they only counted the military vote, John Kerry could never be elected.
Sun Oct 31 03:31 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
nan said:
i have said several times..respect him for the office he holds...and give him a chance. probably within 6 months, i'll have formed my opinion on how he's doing...maybe sooner if there's a major blunder or something really good occurs.
never called Kerry a traitor though..
not into the whole name calling thing.
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