Dipping My Toes Into Politics

Thoughts on current events with great help from FoxNews and its fair and balanced journalists. This blog will focus mainly on the current Presidential election and the United Nations Oil-For-Food scandal. Occasional bouts of folly and conspiratorial fun will abound. Links to the original articles are provided in the main title of each post. FoxNews Oil-For-Food documents have been posted here in chronological order for further study and examination of the unfolding scandal.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Those Ka-Way-Zee Lefties and What They're Crying About Now

What follows is, without a doubt, the most pathetic collection of thoughts and ideas I have ever had the displeasure of reading. This is akin to being "inflicted" with the PEST syndrome now so prevalent (and chic) with the Lefties.

My God! What is wrong with these people? From the article, "First, admit you're a victim." What? Isn't that curling up into a ball and letting life happen to you? Where's the spunk? Where's the get-up-and-go? Where's the take life by the horns? Where's the risk-taking? Where's the adventure? Where's the accepting personal responsibility for the choices you make in your life?

It's all dreary and gloomy and constantly dark skies for the Lefties. They need to have their umbrellas to hold on to for security. Something to shield them from life and reality. And, of course, someone or something on which to blame everything wrong with the world today; even down to their personal problems. They can't seem to grasp the concept of personal responsibility. Entitlement is their mantra. And it's getting pretty damn tiresome.

From where does this kind of "give up" thinking spring? It's pure fear. With a touch of arrogance thrown in for good measure. That "if looks could kill" gleam in the Lefties' eyes. Repeating it in disbelief... "First, admit you're a victim."

When you see and believe yourself to be a "victim", you are looking to lay blame. That's the only purpose in such thinking or such a belief system.

They are afraid of who and what they are, so, they discard their ownership in any thought, idea, situation, or circumstance. If they'd stop for a moment, take a breath, see and understand how they actually did contribute to the "catastrophy" to which they're all pointing instead of immediately jumping to "Who can we blame for this?" perhaps sincere and meaningful dialogue would result.

Those who have suffered an act of personal violence will say they are a victim. That's understood. Through the healing process. However; if one continues to label themselves a victim, they are inviting more violence against themselves. They have not changed their thinking. Like animals, those that seek to inflict violence can "smell" fear. Shirking the label of "victim" is the first step.

Good God in Heaven! And these people want to have a prominent place in politics?

I'll keep the post updated as the Lefties reply. This is gonna be a riot! And wholly pathetic.

Mon Nov 29 22:24
Subject: Mel Gilles: The Politics of Victimization (posted by popular demand)

Lethal said:

From http://mathewgross.com/blog/, link here:

The Politics of Victimization

[Mel Gilles, who has worked for many years as an advocate for victims of domestic abuse, draws some parallels between her work and the reaction of many Democrats to the election.-- Mathew Gross]

Watch Dan Rather apologize for not getting his facts straight, humiliated before the eyes of America, voluntarily undermining his credibility and career of over thirty years. Observe Donna Brazille squirm as she is ridiculed by Bay Buchanan, and pronounced irrelevant and nearly non-existent. Listen as Donna and Nancy Pelosi and Senator Charles Schumer take to the airwaves saying that they have to go back to the drawing board and learn from their mistakes and try to be better, more likeable, more appealing, have a stronger message, speak to morality. Watch them awkwardly quote the bible, trying to speak the new language of America. Surf the blogs, and read the comments of dismayed, discombobulated, confused individuals trying to figure out what they did wrong. Hear the cacophony of voices, crying out, 'Why did they beat me?'

And then ask anyone who has ever worked in a domestic violence shelter if they have heard this before.

They will tell you, every single day.

The answer is quite simple. They beat us because they are abusers. We can call it hate. We can call it fear. We can say it is unfair. But we are looped into the cycle of violence, and we need to start calling the dominating side what they are: abusive. And we need to recognize that we are the victims of verbal, mental, and even, in the case of Iraq, physical violence.

As victims we can't stop asking ourselves what we did wrong. We can't seem to grasp that they will keep hitting us and beating us as long as we keep sticking around and asking ourselves what we are doing to deserve the beating.

Listen to George Bush say that the will of God excuses his behavior. Listen, as he refuses to take responsibility, or express remorse, or even once, admit a mistake. Watch him strut, and tell us that he will only work with those who agree with him, and that each of us is only allowed one question (soon, it will be none at all; abusers hit hard when questioned; the press corps can tell you that). See him surround himself with only those who pledge oaths of allegiance. Hear him tell us that if we will only listen and do as he says and agree with his every utterance, all will go well for us (it won't; we will never be worthy).

And watch the Democratic Party leadership walk on eggshells, try to meet him, please him, wash the windows better, get out that spot, distance themselves from gays and civil rights. See them cry for the attention and affection and approval of the President and his followers. Watch us squirm. Watch us descend into a world of crazy-making, where logic does not work and the other side tells us we are nuts when we rely on facts. A world where, worst of all, we begin to believe we are crazy.

How to break free? Again, the answer is quite simple.

First, you must admit you are a victim. Then, you must declare the state of affairs unacceptable. Next, you must promise to protect yourself and everyone around you that is being victimized. You don't do this by responding to their demands, or becoming more like them, or engaging in logical conversation, or trying to persuade them that you are right. You also don't do this by going catatonic and resigned, by closing up your ears and eyes and covering your head and submitting to the blows, figuring its over faster and hurts less is you don't resist and fight back. Instead, you walk away. You find other folks like yourself, 56 million of them, who are hurting, broken, and beating themselves up. You tell them what you've learned, and that you aren't going to take it anymore. You stand tall, with 56 million people at your side and behind you, and you look right into the eyes of the abuser and you tell him to go to hell. Then you walk out the door, taking the kids and gays and minorities with you, and you start a new life. The new life is hard. But it's better than the abuse.

We have a mandate to be as radical and liberal and steadfast as we need to be. The progressive beliefs and social justice we stand for, our core, must not be altered. We are 56 million strong. We are building from the bottom up. We are meeting, on the net, in church basements, at work, in small groups, and right now, we are crying, because we are trying to break free and we don't know how.

Any battered woman in America, any oppressed person around the globe who has defied her oppressor will tell you this: There is nothing wrong with you. You are in good company. You are safe. You are not alone. You are strong. You must change only one thing: stop responding to the abuser. Don't let him dictate the terms or frame the debate (he'll win, not because he's right, but because force works). Sure, we can build a better grassroots campaign, cultivate and raise up better leaders, reform the election system to make it failproof, stick to our message, learn from the strategy of the other side. But we absolutely must dispense with the notion that we are weak, godless, cowardly, disorganized, crazy, too liberal, naive, amoral, 'loose', irrelevant, outmoded, stupid and soon to be extinct. We have the mandate of the world to back us, and the legacy of oppressed people throughout history.

Even if you do everything right, they'll hit you anyway. Look at the poor souls who voted for this nonsense. They are working for six dollars an hour if they are working at all, their children are dying overseas and suffering from lack of health care and a depleted environment and a shoddy education. And they don't even know they are being hit.

Tue Nov 30 00:08 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Director's Starlet said: