I Loathe Michael Moore and All of His Ilk
Alright... I've had it. Michael Moore needs to be arrested and thrown in jail.
A few months ago on FoxNews' Dayside with Linda Vester, she had on a young military man, fresh from the war in Iraq, who was promoting a new website generated and maintained by soldiers serving in Iraq, called Operation Truth.
Ms Vester seemed impressed, as did the audience, with what the young man spoke about. His spiel was smooth and calmly stated, stressing through the interview the website contained videos and diaries of a soldier's daily routine. He portrayed the website as a pro-Iraq war website. Pro-soldier. Pro-Bush. In actuality, it is far from that.
From GreaterDemocracy.org
One final group, that I don’t know much about, but they sound interesting, and have an interesting piece of swag: Operation Truth is giving out dogtags, with the tagline, The Truth about Iraq from those who served. The accompanying card talks about encouraging soldiers to tell their own stories in their own words and states that when they say they support our troops, they mean it. They are focusing on projects like fighting against VA budget cuts. Sounds like a pretty cool group.
Now, how does Michael Moore figure into all of this? Bill Maher has a "talk show" called Real Time. Michael Moore is a regular guest, via satellite, from one of the sixty cities he's currently touring promoting Kerry, Farenheit 9/11, and Moore's new book, Will They Ever Trust Us Again?. Moore said:
"Well, I've received over 3,000 letters from soldiers in Iraq, emails mostly. And they're very powerful letters. We haven't heard from our soldiers about how they feel about this war. And they very clearly and very powerfully, in these letters, tell me the truth about what's going on over there... They're saying, number one, that they've been lied to; that they are being forced to re-enlist. If they don't, they're being told that they're going to be kept there indefinitely unless they re-enlist for another two or three years. They have told me in these letters that the Iraqis are not happy with the American presence there, and they believe that Bush has simply lied to the American people about the real threat - or actually the 'no threat' that Iraq has posed to this country. So it's great to hear from them in their own words about this."
Think about it. These soldiers may have written to Moore originally to denounce his movie, F9/11, and upon receiving a reply from Moore, who of course is very eager to glom onto something current and very real, received the numerous questions about their situation.
Questions which probably were phrased like; "How is it going there. Tell me what you're feeling. You'd like to go home wouldn't you? You don't have enough to eat, do you? You don't have good training, do you? You're too young to be there, aren't you? You miss your friends and family, don't you? It's all a big mistake, isn't it? You can tell me. Tell me it's all a big mistake."
These young people are in the midst of a war. They're frightened and under stressful conditions 24/7. Any outside contact speaking to their swallowed fears is going to get a huge reaction.
Moore drummed up his own sales pitch to these young soldiers to profit from their tours of duty in Iraq. He's using them to denounce President Bush and the war on Iraq.
The soldiers think they're doing a good thing, when in fact, they've played into Michael Moore's plans to embarrass the United States, the governemnt of the United States, the President of the United States, the military, and the Republicans.
I'm sure it was Moore's idea to begin the website. I'm sure it was Moore's idea to send those associated with it to the Democratic National Convention.
Moore is a bottom-feeder.
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