Joe Lockhart and Other Things
OH MY GOD!!!!!
I cannot believe what Joe Lockhart just said on "The Big Story" with John Gibson (FoxNews).
Joe Lockhart, the Kerry Campaign Senior Advisor said, in effect:
The "missing" weapons should have been secured by US troops before war was declared.
WTF!!!??? Who is this guy kidding? Where does he come up with this outlandish and completely illegal comment? Where does he get off denigrating the US troops, the President, and the intelligence of the viewing audience?
His whole spiel, per the Kerry campaign, is President Bush is responsible for not securing the weapons after the IAEA left Iraq. Well, Joe, who the hell was in Iraq after the IAEA left? NO ONE but Iraqis and the Russian Secret Service!
Scientific technology is good, but we do not yet have transporters, a la Star Trek to beam us to a location instantaneously, you fucking moron! It takes time to get someplace; especially when you're in a HMV, driving on narrow roads, being shot at every kilometer of the way, enduring blinding sandstorms, etc.
After the war began, we got down to brass tacks, you IDIOT! al-Qaqaa was inspected at least five times by three different outfits ALL coming up with the same result. No weapons there other than conventional.
This is how desperate the Kerry campaign has gotten. Vicious attacks of the President's integrity and character abound. They will say ANYTHING to win the election. ANYTHING.
Turns out CBS and the UN Nuclear Watchdog, ElBaradei, gave the "missing weapons" story to exclusively to John Kerry and CBS so they'd have some ammo against President Bush in a last-ditch effort to destroy him.
This ties, in my eyes, John Kerry directly to the UN Oil-For-Food rape. Why else would a UN employee be giving "false" information to John Kerry and CBS? I also believe, maybe, kinda, sorta, in a way, John Kerry (through his wife's money) has purchased CBS and Dan Rather.
Kerry is an egotistical megalomaniac and is very, very dangerous.
Kerry is jumping to conclusions if he believes he will win this election.
Kerry said today of President Bush, "...shifting explanations and blaming anyone but himself..." No, John Kerry. That would be you talking to yourself in the mirror from which you cannot tear your eyes away.
Bret Baier (FoxNews, Pentagon correspondent) is now showing satellite photos on FoxNews showing two trucks, two days prior to the beginning of the war, moving out of the al-Qaqaa bunker site. Is it the Russian Secret Service? Is it Saddam's soldiers? Who is moving the weapons out of al-Qaqaa?
Saddam Hussein was known for moving weapons and weapons systems around Iraq when trouble was brewing. Hussein was adept at "hiding" things.
The last time IAEA was positive the "missing" weapons were in the bunker was January 2003. When they returned in March, the IAEA DID NOT inspect al-Qaqaa. Their own 14 January 2003, Action Report states a warning, in effect: ...of note was that the sealing of the bunkers was only partially effective because each bunker has ventilation shafts through which explosives could be looted...
Hmmmmmmmmm, looks like the IAEA is responsible, doesn't it? A group of people in collusion with Saddam Hussein through the Oil-For-Food rape.
Gee, John. Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. You've sunk the final nail in your own coffin.
Brit Hume is on FoxNews now. He's been speaking with the usual panelists. Juan Williams was so in the Kerry mind-set, he came close to saying what Joe Lockhart did until Brit Hume corrected him and explained about the satellite photos, the IAEA report indicating looting possible through the ventilations shafts, and no seals being present when US troops arrived. Juan looked very embarrassed and his facial expression and sheepish smile was one of RoseanneRoseannadana's "nevermind".
Is John Kerry getting ALL of his campaign information from The New York Times? Why is he holding up this admittedly Leftist publication, that had NO PROOF of the "missing weapons" story, as fact? How silly and inane is that? How desperate?
There are but a few days left before the election, five to be precise. I hope the American public wises up to the flim-flam of John Kerry's entire campaign and votes for the honest, steadfast, and sure leadership of President Bush.
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