Kerry's Own Follwers Have No Idea What He Stands For
Wed Oct 27 10:03 * - Subject: Bush-Haters - Answer These Questions With Specifics
It Amazes Me said:
From the Non-Kerry Interviews on Fox in which Kerry experts answered as John Kerry.
Your turn to show how much, or how little, you know about John Kerry.
You, too, must answer as Kerry and only Kerry. No pulling Bush into this. No comparing one candidate to another. Only Kerry's views.
1. According to the European Journal of International Law, 5000 Kuwaiti women were raped after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1991. Knowing this, John Kerry voted AGAINST removing Saddam's forces. Why?
2. What, SPECIFICALLY, does John Kerry want to change about The Patriot Act?
3. John Kerry said, on October 13, 2004, "... they let Osama bin Laden get away in Tora Bora and Afghanistan because they used ONLY Afghani soldiers to seal that area." Yet, on October 19, 2004, General Tommy Franks wrote that Special Forces were embedded with those units. Did Kerry make a mistake in his evaluation?
4. If elected, what is the first thing John Kerry will do in Iraq?
5. How would John Kerry seal the Mexican border and prevent 3 million illegals from entering the US every year?
6. How many US troops would Kerry send to Iraq?
7. How will John Kerry pay for the universal health care he wants the government to be in charge of?
8. Did John Kerry make any mistakes when he returned from Viet Nam and was an anti-war protestor?
9. How will John Kerry use the military and other power in the future?
10. Does John Kerry believe the US has a duty to free and liberate people?
Wed Oct 27 23:29 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Just watchin said:
*LOL* As soon as you let us know what happened on 9/11.
Wed Oct 27 22:11 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Wally said:
crissy's Nude, I'd thought I'd given a fairly comprehensive response to the questions.
Wed Oct 27 21:37 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
crissy's Nude said:
Great post here.....not a single person here knows what Kerry plans
Only 8 more days!
Wed Oct 27 15:51 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
My thread, my rules. You want something else, do it someplace else.
Your inability to follow those rules, to berate me, to pretend to nullify the questions with your ineffectual rhetoric show how very little you understand about your choice of candidate. Others were able to answer the questions without the need for rhetoric. Why is it you find it so difficult. You don't know the answers and have to fluff it up with empty rhetoric to satisfy the need you have to make yourself look knowledgable and feel important.
Wed Oct 27 15:48 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
The rules for this thread were plain and clear. Simple, direct questions. If I had wanted discussion or commentary, I would have asked for it. I did not.
Yes, rules. Something for which you obviously have no respect.
Wed Oct 27 15:45 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Thorn said:
laughing at "it amazes me"
"You broke my rules, you mean person! You broke my rules! Everybody MUST follow my rules!"
Wed Oct 27 15:44 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Exarch said:
my commentary, which was not about Bush except what I tacked on at the very end, was part of my answers. Your questions, and your response to my answers, seem to assume that things are terribly simple and one can always give a simple and straightforward answer in a sentence or two. As if!!!! Like many people, you're apparently addicted to simplifications; I understand Kerry's intentions, and that's enough. The details on how he will put those intentions into effect are complicated and not always fully clear, because much will depend on circumstances and compromises that will have to be made. If you can't understand that the business of politics is enormously complicated, so much the worse for you. No wonder you love Bush, with his grotesque oversimplifications, so much *smiles*
And btw, who says anyone has to abide by your arbitrary rules???
Wed Oct 27 15:21 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Thank you, Wally, for your additional reply to question 11.
Wed Oct 27 15:11 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You didn't follow the rules, Exarch. You added commentary about Bush. Not allowed.
Your answers to the questions, without your commentary, are:
1. I don't know.
2. I don't know.
3. No.
4. I don't know.
5. He wil not.
6. I don't know.
7. I don't know.
8. No.
9. I don't know.
10. No, he does not.
11. Kerry is Catholic.
Wed Oct 27 14:35 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Exarch said:
oh, and q. 11 : Kerry is a Catholic, and as such believes marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman. However, he doesn't plan to impose his personal religious convictions on everyone else; unlike Bush, he understands the point of the separation of church & state: you don't impose your religious convictions on me, I don't impose mine on you, & the govt stays the fuck out of religion! Ever read about the wars of religion in Europe? If so, you'll maybe understand the point of not allowing governments to impose religious ideas.
Wed Oct 27 14:30 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Exarch said:
1. and you know that Kerry knew about these rapes at the time he voted, how? assuming he did know, that still doesn't mean it's the right or best thing to do to start a war; unfortunately the world is replete with atrocities, and it isn't the US"s job (or anyone else's) to respond to them all by going to war. How many women are raped each year in the US, hmmm? That said, I think Kerry's vote was wrong, but no-one can claim never to have been wrong (except of course Bush when in a presidential debate).
2. have you tried to read the Patriot Act? you want specifics here & now on a document the size of webster's Dictionary that it'd take a team of lawyers to read & explain? get real!!! in general, provisions that are too intrusive into people's rights to privacy and against unwarranted search & seizure ...
3. No, he just spoke a bit loosely, as anyone may in the heat of the moment ...
4. Only John Kerry can answer that obviously, but I assume he'll seek an evaluation of the exact situation and analysis of options from some experts ...
5. He won't: no-one could "seal" the Mexican border, nor has he claimed he plans to; he does propose to improve border security however.
6. I imagine that, unless things get even worse there, he'll be looking at how and when he can start to bring some troops home! But that's just my opinion: not like I know Kerry's exact thinking on this. Why are you asking people here what Kerry will do? You think all Democrats are sent special & detailed memoranda by him or something?? *l*
7. Mostly those who sign up for it will pay premiums, which should be lower than current healthcare premiums, if I understand it rightly. There will likely be some socialization of the costs, so the poorest aren't cut out, but it should not add substantially to the budget.
8. Any mistakes?? He's not god, I'd assume he must have. But he was right to protest, as many other vets did. from all I've heard and read he protested in a responsible way, but his words have been extensively spun & distorted to mean things quite different than what he said!
9. No-one could answer this, not even Kerry himself, because no-one can foresee future contingencies that may arise. However, he'll be less eager to jump in with full scale invasions than Bush, at least unless the people are behind it and we have some meaningful allies backing us.
10. Who on earth does believe that?? Democrats used to be accused of this by Republicans back in the 60s and 70s and 80s, when Republicans had a strong tendency towards isolationism. How things change! The Us has no such duty, but it is certainly appropriate for us to look into helping free and liberate people when the circumstances are right, when the people want to be freed and liberated and are ready to co-operate with us, when we are not hated by the very people needing to be freed.
Having answered those questions: what a bullshit post! The questions are slanted and phrased to put Kerry supporters on the defensive, when it is actually Bush supporters who have much more to be defensive about!!
Wed Oct 27 13:28 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Wally said:
I'm not aware that he has stated a political opposition to gay marriage, what he has done is to affirm his support for the notion that states should be able to define marriage for themselves and that in states which have excluded gays from their definition civil unions should be available.
Wed Oct 27 13:10 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
And one more question about John Kerry's politics:
11. Why is John Kerry against gay marriage?
Wed Oct 27 13:03 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
And, by the way, I started this thread. It's my rules, clearly stated. Not yours. You're obviously not a team player. Are unable to go with the flow. Stubborn and close-minded.
Thank you for the illumination into the way you so steadfastly operate.
Wed Oct 27 12:58 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
beautiful Disaster
there is something very, very askew with you and your vindictive personality so pervasive throughout this cork.
Again, your refusal to answer the questions shows you know nothing of what Kerry stands for in his political life and you are a vapid follower parroting what he says.
Thank you for your lack of response and for your limitless lack of concern regarding the serious issues of this election.
Wed Oct 27 12:52 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
I told you I'm not negotiating, the points are non-negotiable. No need to repeat that you understand that.
and you're either an idiot who's just gotten a brand new fire wall and don't have the first clue what the information you're looking at means or you're an asshole trying to use old and toothless scare tactics.
Wed Oct 27 12:28 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Master Archer said:
And all catostrophic as well as the coverage of children and some adults would be provided for by FEDERAL government paying for it directly.
If you're paying for it you CONTROL it.
and the 653 Billion dollars exceeds the amount expected to come from returning to the pre Bush Tax levels for the top 2%.
Wed Oct 27 12:25 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
My computer system has informed me a certain IP has attempted to break into my system.
I can only surmize it is someone from this cork. You will prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows.
Cease your unlawful invasion into my computer system immediately.
Wed Oct 27 12:21 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Beyond amazed said:
Thank you, Wally. I'll go check it out. Good effort on the questions btw. *S*
Wed Oct 27 12:16 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Wally said:
Beyong Amazed: here is what the Kerry campaign has to say about health care
Wed Oct 27 12:12 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
This is not a negotion and I will not play to your blackmail and extortion game.
Either you know the answers, or, you don't.
I'm going with you haven't a clue as to where Kerry stands on anything.
Wed Oct 27 12:10 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
Well, it's up to you to end that...I told you what you need to to gain my answers to your questions. shrug
Now if you really wanted to get me, you'd do it. Then you'd really have a coupe against me if I refused to answer. laughing But you're to afraid to take the chance for some reason.
Don't project your fears on me.
Wed Oct 27 12:03 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You sure like to argue and avoid the issue at hand, don't you, beautiful Disaster?
This thread is about Kerry and only Kerry. Your constant change of subject only highlights your lack of knowledge on the issues.
Wed Oct 27 12:01 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
And Bush refuses to answer needlenose's set of questions. He's spend 3 of the past 4 years campaigning. He want's to be re-elected to CIC. What's your point?
Wed Oct 27 11:59 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Beyond amazed said:
Kerry has stated that he will make available the same health care that he and the other members of Congress and the House have. The price for that premiere coverage is approx. $6,000 a year. How then, Wally, is everyone going to be covered without raising taxes, which, while looking directly into a camera during the debate, Kerry promised he would not do.
Wed Oct 27 11:58 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Loaded? These questions have been put to Kerry and he has refused to answer them. He wants to be the Commander-in-Chief, yet, he refuses to tell you where he stands on these issues. Why? You know his platform so well, based on months of his campaigning, please answer them in his stead. You're supporting him. Answer the questions.
Wed Oct 27 11:57 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Thank you, Wally, for your insightful reply.
Wed Oct 27 11:53 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
Go on then, lessa, answer needlenose's questions if you can do so much better.
I admit they're a loaded set of questions, by some one who is looking to make it as difficult as possible for you to answer and continue to conduct a reasonable conversation....
But hey, really no difference there, so you should be just as happy to answer those as I am to answer some biased assanon looking to be an asshole.
Wed Oct 27 11:53 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You're a coward, beautiful Disaster. That's why you won't answer the questions. It doesn't matter who asks them. It shows, again and again, you know nothing about what Kerry's Plan is, what his vision is, or anything about the political Kerry. Nothing. You support him with your overblown ego and empty head.
Answer the questions.
Wed Oct 27 11:53 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Wally said:
I'm not a Bush hater and am only reluctantly in favor of Kerry but nevertheless here are my answers:
1. According to the European Journal of International Law, 5000 Kuwaiti women were raped after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1991. Knowing this, John Kerry voted AGAINST removing Saddam's forces. Why?
He objected to the speed with which the invasion was mounted. He would have preferred to use diplomacy and the realistic threat of invasion to attempt to persuade Saddam to withdraw his forces and if that didn't work to invade at a later date. He was never against the idea of invasion per se.
2. What, SPECIFICALLY, does John Kerry want to change about The Patriot Act?
Kerry would retain the Patriot Act but would modify those provisions which he considers to be too open to abuse, such as library and bookstore searches, wiretaps and the delayed- notification searches known as "sneak and peek."
3. John Kerry said, on October 13, 2004, "... they let Osama bin Laden get away in Tora Bora and Afghanistan because they used ONLY Afghani soldiers to seal that area." Yet, on October 19, 2004, General Tommy Franks wrote that Special Forces were embedded with those units. Did Kerry make a mistake in his evaluation?
Changing only to primarily doesn't make very much difference to his point, which was that an excessive reliance upon Northern Alliance forces allowed Bin Laden to bribe his way to safety.
4. If elected, what is the first thing John Kerry will do in Iraq?
He will do what any newly elected president will do. He will call for reports from US civilian and military leaders in Iraq and evaluate the situation.
5. How would John Kerry seal the Mexican border and prevent 3 million illegals from entering the US every year?
I wasn't aware that he'd proposed to seal the border, which would be a practical impossibility. I believe he has proposed using increased manpower and technology to improve border security.
6. How many US troops would Kerry send to Iraq?
As many as he deems necessary given the situation in January, which can't be predicted now.
7. How will John Kerry pay for the universal health care he wants the government to be in charge of?
US citizens pay more per head for medical insurance than almost any other country. It shouldn't be beyond him to devise a system of universal health care that would provide the same service for less money.
8. Did John Kerry make any mistakes when he returned from Viet Nam and was an anti-war protestor?
His haircut was a terrible error. He also phrased his Congressional testimony in such a way that his words could be made to look as if he was gratuitously accusing US troops of atrocities when he was in actual fact quoting US troops who had told him of atrocities that had themselves committed or witnessed.
9. How will John Kerry use the military and other power in the future?
To further the interests of US security at home and overseas, I would assume.
10. Does John Kerry believe the US has a duty to free and liberate people?
I wouldn't say that the US has a duty to do that. Judging by the number of repressive regimes with which we have done business over the years neither has any previous administration, including the present one. I don't think Kerry would be any different.
Wed Oct 27 11:49 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
outclassed by an anon? LOL
I outclass them simply by the fact that I'm not afraid to take responsiblity for what I say.
Hell you outclass them for the same reason as much as that pains me to say.
Wed Oct 27 11:38 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
I had hoped for the same, Beyond amazed. Only one person, with sincere apologies to Visitor, answered them.
I'd really like to know where Kerry stands on all of these questions since I have no idea at all after all these months of campaigning.
Wed Oct 27 11:32 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Beyond amazed said:
I had hoped to see the answers. I have no idea what they are, except when asked Kerry will direct the person to his website.
C'mon lefties. What's the Plan?
Wed Oct 27 11:32 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
John Kerry said:
Vision? I don't have no stinkin' vision.
Wed Oct 27 11:25 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You're changing the subject, KB.
Yes, yes, of course. Kerry supporters say they understand his vision, so, here are some questions to answer.
Wed Oct 27 11:21 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
Without being Kerry, that boils down to "what do you think Kerry would do..."
Wed Oct 27 11:21 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Visitor, a little smart-assed, but, thank you for your views.
Wed Oct 27 11:20 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
The purpose is to answer the questions as Kerry. With his mind-set. With his "Plan" in mind.
Wed Oct 27 11:20 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Visitor said:
1. none of the women were anyone he knew
2. he doesn't know but he knows he wants to change it
3. he said it to try and help his campaign
4. he'll call and ask Jacques Chirac
5. he'd give them $10,000 at the border if they'll promise to go home
6. none. he'd bring them home and watch a civil war develop
7. tax everyone who breaths
8. He should not have gone on the Dick Cavett show before he had his Botox treatments
9. what military?
10. John Kerry believes the US has a duty make people dependent upon government.
Wed Oct 27 11:19 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Thank you for pointing that out, Kilted Bauglir , perhaps you're on to something there.
Consider the title of this thread accordingly changed to:
Kerry Supporters - Answer These Questions With Specifics
Wed Oct 27 11:18 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
..bearing in mind it doesn't ask "what do you think Kerry will do..."
Wed Oct 27 11:17 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Hello, lessa. Someone said I was you. Nie to meet you.
Now, if we could please get back to the matter/questions at hand?
Wed Oct 27 11:17 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
Go on then.
Wed Oct 27 11:16 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
One does not automatically mean the other.
Given the nature of the content of the thread, it should have been addressed to Kerry supporters.
Wed Oct 27 11:15 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
lessa said:
wasn't me that what started this thread, but wish it had been! laffin'... someone did however point it out to i am here reading...
not much sustance though, huh?
btw...everyone knows all my nics...all of them...i don't hide..never did...don't see the use of it...especially here...i mean what is the worst that can happen? someone call me names? ooOOOooo well that upsets me terrible! laffin'some more....
wow...not one answer....hell i could probably do better on kerry than you guys do...and that is just pathetic!
Wed Oct 27 11:15 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
This cork is repleat with Kerry supporters, and avowed Bush-haters. So stated by themselves on numerous occasions.
Wed Oct 27 11:14 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Thank you, Master Archer, for you sincere and honest reply.
Wed Oct 27 11:14 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
I was meaning about addressing this to Bush haters, then asking questions all about Kerry.
Wed Oct 27 11:13 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Master Archer said:
Now just for fun,
1. he's not in Sudan waiting for us to collect him from one of their prisons. LOL
2. well we now KNOW he doesn't have them which is something we would not have known for decades waiting for the UN. *grin*
3. You mean the 0.38% of total munitions Saddam had.
4. Not a laughing matter so skipped cause this is for fun
5. Why is everything from a hangnail to the Hurricanes in florida directly traced to Bush by Kerry supporters.
6. Pretty sure since the Senate will be in filibuster mode for the entire 4 years.
7. That one I can't figure out
8. Haiti
9. As much as Kerry can since it takes an act of congress to do it.
10. When the cooperative top level guy's die off and the government can then openly support the terrorists.
Wed Oct 27 11:12 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Like I said, I do not know the answers to these questions. Any of them.
Wed Oct 27 11:12 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
Like I said..your turn now.
Wed Oct 27 11:12 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
I do not know the answers to these questions, hence, the reason I have asked them.
Wed Oct 27 11:11 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Thank you for your honest and sincere reply, Kilted Bauglir .
Wed Oct 27 11:10 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
1 - when?
2 - I don't know. Ask Kerry.
3 - sounds like it
4 - see answer two
5 - ditto
6 - ditto
7 - ditto
8 - I don't know. I'm not obsessed with the actions of one man thirty years ago.
9 - see answer two
10 - ditto
Now, your turn.
Wed Oct 27 11:06 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Please stop changing the subject and answer the questions.
Wed Oct 27 11:05 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
That's the vast majority of this cork.
Wed Oct 27 11:05 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
ah..the totalitarian approach
Wed Oct 27 11:05 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
It Amazes Me
And how does that immediately equate to Kerry supporter?
Wed Oct 27 11:04 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
No discussion. Only answer the questions.
Wed Oct 27 11:04 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Habit, Kilted Bauglir . When I visit here, all I see is "Bush is an idiot", "Bush is an asshole", "Bush sucks", etc.
No respect for the President. Using "names" is hateful. Thus, Bush-Haters.
Wed Oct 27 11:03 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Master Archer said:
needlenose in response only to the Healthcare question,
Who controls any system? Whoever is paying for it.
If the government is paying for it then they control it because they control payment.
Wed Oct 27 11:01 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
Why do you automatically equate "Bush-hater" with Kerry supporter?
Wed Oct 27 11:00 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
The government will be in charge of the universal health care Kerry wants to set up. You can't read. Review some facts before you spew.
Wed Oct 27 10:59 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You're not following the rules. Follow the rules. This is about Kerry and only Kerry. He is the candidate running for president. I want to know his answers to these questions.
Wed Oct 27 10:58 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
needlenose said:
It Amazes Me -- you're an idiot. Done with you. Done with Bush. Done with Rumsfeld Done with PNAC Done with government secrecy Done with the
Wed Oct 27 10:58 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
needlenose said:
you presume Kerry wants government in charge of health care - you don't read or listen very well
Wed Oct 27 10:58 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Why can't one of you answer these questions?
It Amazes Me. Not.
Wed Oct 27 10:57 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
needlenose said:
It Amazes Me -- 1. Where is Osama? 2. Where is the WMD? 3. Where is 380 tons of high explosives. 4. What did 1100 americans die for? 5. Why do Bush supporters agree with *everything* GW says or does, when he's clearly made many mistakes? 6. How certain is it that the Supreme court will uphold Roe V. Wade when Bush is elected 7. Why would Bush modify the consitition to *remove* rights for a class of people. 8. What country will GW invade next? 9. Can GW guarantee there will be no Draft? 10. When is this administraiton going to go after Saudi Arabia? Answer *my* questions
Wed Oct 27 10:57 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Kilted Bauglir said:
Kerry is a bit of a twerp. How completely and totally unlike his main opponent.
Wed Oct 27 10:56 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
And incoherent.
Wed Oct 27 10:56 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
What presumtions are false? There are no presumtions in the questions. They are direct questions.
Sounds like you're avoiding the questions because you haven't a clue as to how Kerry would answer them.
Wed Oct 27 10:54 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
needlenose said:
most of these questions make presumptions that are false . and besides, this poster is a Rabid bush supporter which already tells me he/she is incoherent
Wed Oct 27 10:49 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
beautiful Disaster
No one has heard the answers to these questions. Kerry refuses to answer them.
Wed Oct 27 10:48 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
sacco&vanzetti said: were outclassed...admit it and never come back to this post...
Wed Oct 27 10:47 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
My suggestion is you answer the questions.
I have every interest in knowing where Kerry stands on these issues. He might be elected and destroy the American way of life.
You're so wrong. How Kerry views the world is of great import to everyone.
Wed Oct 27 10:47 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
sacco&vanzetti said:
*chuckles* this is not lessa...i don't know who it is but i can rule that out...
this is the best string that has ever been here in this room should be saved forever...
Wed Oct 27 10:46 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
Well I have no obligation to attempt to a satisfy the biases of a nameless person in any crowd waiting for answers from some one else.
My suggestion to you is listen more carefully if you haven't heard the answers to these. I certainly have heard answers to them. Not answers I necessarily agree or disagree with, but I've heard them.
If you're willing to accept this thread as proof that no one knows where Kerry stands...then you prove my point. You have no interest in really knowing.
Wed Oct 27 10:46 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Avoidance and distraction. Just like your candidate.
I wonder if anyone can answer these questions, with specifics.
I seriously doubt it.
Wed Oct 27 10:45 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Who is lessa? Not me.
An assumption. And an incorrect one at that.
Wed Oct 27 10:43 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Good for you, THE_STREAKER! Kerry IS an idiot! I'm glad you've changed your mind.
Wed Oct 27 10:43 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Absolut said:
why don't you just use your real name?
What's with all the anon stuff.
theright is empty and boring, so you want to post.
Use your own name for crying out loud.
Wed Oct 27 10:42 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Well, I've always followed the rule .. "never try to teach a pig to sing ... It wastes my time and annoys the pig" ... and I'm not wasting any more of my time with this idiot ...
Wed Oct 27 10:40 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Game? Game? These questions are a game? This is a serious matter with serious ramifications. For everyone. Everyone.
Your refusal to answer the legitimate questions about the candidate you choose to support only shows you know nothing about him or where he stands. Why vote for someone that has said nothing. Why vote for someone whose platform is a list of complaints with no sound resolution to those complaints?
Wed Oct 27 10:38 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Looks to me as though you're the ones hiding.
Wed Oct 27 10:38 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
EEE said:
Hey guys... maybe there is a cork called "theleft" where you could find a bunch of mindless Kerry supporters to play your silly little game with...
Wed Oct 27 10:37 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You do quite a bit of assuming here, don't you?
Wed Oct 27 10:37 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Just like their candidate, sacco&vanzetti, hollow and empty.
Wed Oct 27 10:36 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
EEE said:
I personally don't care who you are... but it certainly says a lot when someone hides when they want to make a point...
Wed Oct 27 10:35 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Thank you. You've proved the point. No one knows where Kerry stands on a single issue.
No one.
And yet, you'll vote for a non-entity. A complete unknown with a proven record of non-action.
Wed Oct 27 10:35 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
sacco&vanzetti said:
ok...this is really funny...not one am totally not amazed...
Wed Oct 27 10:34 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
The old "I don't know who you are" routine, huh? Consider me a nameless person in the crowd listening for the answers to these questions.
Your using the "anon" routine is so weak.
Wed Oct 27 10:33 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
PNWDom said:
First off, I'm not John Kerry.
Second, I am not a mind reader.
Therefore it is impossible for me to answer any of these questions the way he would.
and the same goes with any other canidate running for president.
Wed Oct 27 10:32 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
I agree the questions are legit. You're not.
Wed Oct 27 10:32 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
What rules...that I have to respond to the demands of someone afraid to take responsibility for their words? I don't think I recall that rule anywhere.
Wed Oct 27 10:32 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
The questions are legitimate and Kerry has refused to answer them. Why? Why do you refuse? What's wrong with Kerry that he won't answer them? Why can't you answer on his behalf? Because he has no plan? He has no vision? Just answer the questions, if you can.
Wed Oct 27 10:31 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
What am I afraid of? Feeding the bears. There's a reason they tell you not to. I'm not going to feed the bears.
Wed Oct 27 10:30 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You're the one that wanted to change the rules, beautiful Disaster. Right off the bat. Just like Kerry. Follow the rules set forth.
Wed Oct 27 10:30 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Did you read the rulkes to this question. This is about Kerry and only Kerry. No comparing candidates. What are you so afraid of?
Wed Oct 27 10:29 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
This is about John Kerry. Why can't you answer the questions? They are legitimate and speak to his ability (or sincere lack thereof) to be Commander-in-Chief.
Not answering only makes you look even more foolish in your support of Kerry.
Wed Oct 27 10:29 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
Bush is the President, tell me why he deserves to continue to be.
I'm not negotiating with you. Either you do or you don't. Prove to me that this is something more than a pissant troll looking for petty shit to throw at people.
Take some accountability for yourself.
The points are non-negotiable.
Wed Oct 27 10:27 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Just watchin said:
Bingo, bD. Just so.
Life gets so boring talking to yourself on the right. About nothing but lies, murder and theft and how they ARE NOT happening. *L*
Wed Oct 27 10:24 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
This is not a neotiation. This is a list of questions that Kerry refuses to answer. Can you? You're supporting him for president. Can you answer these questions?
Wed Oct 27 10:23 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Bush is the President. Kerry wants the job. Tell me why he should have it.
Wed Oct 27 10:23 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Just watchin said:
Who's supporting kerry???? *LOL*
Certainly not me!
*..... ohhhhhhh.... peers down.... look at that little piece of shit stuck to the curb.... Yup. WAY better than bush..... wonder if it can be a write in....*
Wed Oct 27 10:22 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
beautiful Disaster said:
Well, I typed out my answers. Seeing the pettiness at hand, I can't help but think this is nothing more than a troll by another pissant anon and why should I feed an asshole any legitimacy at this point on this board.
You couldn't be bothered below to state why you support Bush before you attacked. Now you expect us to answer why we support Kerry while you attack.
I'll make you a deal. Put on the name we all recognize you by, answer what you find supportable about Bush and I'll post my answers.
Wed Oct 27 10:22 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
PNWDom said:
LOL who am I voting for?
(This one I have answered several times here recently, so it should be easy for you)
Wed Oct 27 10:22 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
EEE said:
Now... on the other hand it seems to me that you just might be a Kerry hater... and a supporter of Bush...
Do you welcom and list of ten questions to answer as you believe Bush would?
Wed Oct 27 10:21 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Just like your candidate. Avoidance and distraction. Can't handle the tough stuff, can you? Just like Kerry.
Wed Oct 27 10:20 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Just watchin said:
*L* PNWDom, no matter how briefly
Wed Oct 27 10:19 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
You're the ones supporting Kerry. Tell us why. Tell us where he stands on these issues. Tell us why he believes what he believes. Show us why we should support him. Tell us why you do.
Wed Oct 27 10:18 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
PNWDom said:
And Vote for BUSH everyone... your kids need to see the world.
Wed Oct 27 10:18 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Answer the questions.
Not doing so only shows you support someone with no platform. And your stupidity.
Wed Oct 27 10:17 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
PNWDom said:
It Amazes Me
What are my plans for the weekend?
What will be my next major purchase?
What will I be having for dinner?
What is the main thing I stressed to the men who worked under me when I was in the service?
We all want to see your mind reading abilities.
Wed Oct 27 10:15 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
Just watchin said:
is kerry a NOTbush? ... Good. He's great. Vote for that asshole. Right away! As often as you can!!!!
Is kerry a virulent microbe? ....but NOTbush?.... GOOOOOOOOOOOO big john!
To the extent it matters at all who the next strutting emporer of the ooo ess a happens to be... ABB is better for everyone concerned, even for the addled nitwits who think he has a side for them to be on *LOL*
Wed Oct 27 10:10 * - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
It Amazes Me said:
Can't answer a single question, can you? Didn't think so. Kerry has NEVER said a thing and you know it. He has no plan. He has no vision. Only empty rhetoric.
Wed Oct 27 10:09 ~ - Subject: * - 0 reaction(s)
EEE said:
Not a Bush hater or a Kerry supporter but I'm interested whether anyone will respond here...
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