Leftist Brain Drool
the name in this story has been changed to protect the guilty
this explains it. this one little blurb of brain drool explains the Left precisely.
this person formed an opinion, and a strong, very, very emphatic one, about something that was completely unknown to them. this person had no fucking idea what they were commenting on, but this person sure spun their opinion as tight as they could, projected their ignorance, if this is even possible, onto something they were completely clueless about.
if this person is unable to grasp what "green eyeshades" are, something that has been part of American AND European culture for at least 200 years, something which many accountants use as their logo in the phonebook, bus signs, tv commercials. tax people, my god! tax people. they use the logo of a guy under the lights with shirtsleeves rolled up, green visor on, pen scribbling away. how many thousands of times have you see this?
but this person is so sure they understand that which they don't at all. so sure, they're able to say what it means. they think. but it's this person's baseless opinion that carries the weight. that's what's important. that's what is the crux of the matter. that's the principle. that's the truth.
never... never does this person admit their error. never.
fighting green eye shades...
same as saying it's all shades of gray....
At least that's what I think he meant. I'm not a mind reader like he apparently is.a member of the other cork said:
do you see? am i wrong? is this a perfect example?
it's frightening.
now, if this person were having a conversation with you or me, they'd be fighting to the death that "green eyeshades" means "all shades of gray", even though they are unsure, uncertain, and completely in the dark about the meaning. would fight tooth and nail to pound this into you. and despite this person's glaring ignorance, they still made a snide remark about the President who used the term "green eyeshades" appropriately and humorously. attacking that which they do not understand is a way of life for them. they always have to be "right". *grin*
it's the same way Kerry handles his campaign. it's chock full of lies, misrepresentations, slants, sways, flips, flops, "versions" of truth, pomposity, arrogance, and sheer, unmitigated gaul. there is no humility in Kerry. only a self-serving personal agenda meant to gain him personal glory and popularity. especially, he incorrectly thinks, in Eurabia (the Oil-For-Food rapists).
if the sun is obviously shining, Kerry and his Kerrobots drone in unison... "it's dark", despite fact after fact after fact shown to them, explained to them, they turn their heads in defiant disbelief. they will not even listen to the truth. they will not admit mistakes or errors in what they hold up as "truth" even with proof of their error given to them. they can see it. they can hear it. still, they will not admit it.
these people, like Kerry, are dangerous. they're like cultists. what am i saying? they ARE cultists; The Kerrobots, and they are in serious need of deprogramming.
Kerry is counting on their mental weakness, their defiant attitudes, their willingness to remain blind, deaf, and mindlessly repeating the ambiguous and foggy Kerry rhetoric. the weak are easy to persuade. they never see it coming. and, before they know it – everything they own is gone. he has found his base in the weak and the politically lazy. Kerry demonstrates the success of his manipulative personality seeping into these sheep everyday when he releases his talking points these Kerrobots spew as if it were gospel. have you listened to Terry McCauliff? this guy has gone way off the deep end. these days, when on television news shows, he's red in the face, spittle flying everywhere, choking to get his words out, and so filled with denial. it's obvious he’s between a rock and a hard spot, obvious he has no substantiative, intelligent, germane reply, obvious he’s uncomfortable and only in it now because he’s gone this far.
i hope The Left will, on election day, truly look into their hearts. they know the truth is in there somewhere. buried deep. under lots of Kerry's l i b e r a l political rhetoric. when they find it, when they realize the danger Kerry wants to put us in with his plan of appeasement to dictators, heavy taxation, government-controlled health care, a decimated military, and at the beck-and-call of France, Russia, and Germany... i hope they vote for Bush. when they're all alone in that voting booth and they can vote in secret to save face with the other Kerrobots that will never understand. they never have to tell. they can do the right thing and vote for Bush. or, they can do the very dangerous thing that will soon destroy the American way of life and vote for Kerry.
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