Dipping My Toes Into Politics

Thoughts on current events with great help from FoxNews and its fair and balanced journalists. This blog will focus mainly on the current Presidential election and the United Nations Oil-For-Food scandal. Occasional bouts of folly and conspiratorial fun will abound. Links to the original articles are provided in the main title of each post. FoxNews Oil-For-Food documents have been posted here in chronological order for further study and examination of the unfolding scandal.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Man Who Would Be President, Part I

The Man Who Would Be President
Part I

Danny Calhoun

The following information is documented and factual. If you are not willing to believe the truth or are blinded by partisan politics please don't read it, because it'll probably put some of you liberals in a "tizzy." The facts are out there. Just open your mind and find them. I will continue to write about this man as long as the media refuses to report both sides of his story, or until my Editor says stop. (*Publishers note: No Editor for Christian-news-in-maine.com will ever edit or stop Danny!)

A member of the Vietnam Special Forces Veterans Against Kerry (VSFVAK) Organization wrote an E-Mail to the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) website "pretending" to be a supporter. He asked them if they were entering a candidate in the presidential election this year. He also asked if they recommended voting for Kerry or Nader. He received an answer from the Director of the CPUSA, Mark Brodine. Mr. Brodine ended the letter with the words "PEACE AND SOCIALISM."

Below are excerpts from Director of the CPUSA, Mark Brodine's letter.

"We aren't running a candidate for president this year simply because John Kerry embodies much of what we believe and wish to accomplish for this country. ----Bush is a ruling class candidate and there are significant differences between him and Kerry-for example you will not hear John Kerry invoke the name of God, which we find repulsive. ---Countries in the Middle East are terrified of Bush and his so-called war on terrorism. We trust Kerry will not pursue war there and exit Iraq and Afghanistan as quickly as possible. ---- Also it may interest you to know that Kerry has been endorsed by virtually all the communist world to include Cuba, China and Vietnam." Great endorsement!

The VSFVAK also sent their own representatives to Ho Chi Minh City (Hanoi) Vietnam to document and verify the following as true.

A Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, "War Crimes Museum" has a section honoring American war protestors. It has a picture of Kerry displayed, TAKEN IN 1993, being greeted by Dr. Do Muoi, Secretary General of the Vietnamese Communist Part. Great honor!

Recently a group of over 250 Swift Boat veterans, who served at the same time as Kerry, along side him on other boats and in at least one case on his boat, (wonder why they never mention him in the Kerry ads) have come forward to expose the truth about his phony war hero status. They also provide detailed documentation of their charges and all signed affidavits swearing to be telling the truth. In their book, "UNFIT FOR DUTY", they present detailed and footnoted references to their allegations. I'll bet you have not even heard of the book, which is becoming a national best seller, mentioned by the media.

Another group of veterans called POWs Against Kerry has just been formed.
Vietnam Green Beret vets have also formed a group known as Special Forces Against Kerry. Other veterans groups opposing Kerry are being formed all across our country.
As soon as veterans started running their ads against Kerry, please remember they were only talking about his phony war record, Kerry started stating the ads were illegal and supported by President Bush. This is a classic and typical liberal reaction--don't respond to the allegations, attack the accuser.

Kerry's stated reason was that President Bush supporters donated the money for the ads. He never even mentioned organizations like MOVEON.ORG, which have run over 63 million dollars in ads attacking President Bush. In 2 of those ads they compared him to Hitler and in one said he "poisoned pregnant women." They also never mentioned the 12 million dollars donated by Kerry supporter George Soros to pay for those ads. Funny how that works.

Kerry's reaction to the ads was to call them lies and demanded that President Bush speak out against them, even though Kerry refuses to speak out against the ads MOVEON.ORG fabricated.

The simple fact is that the Kerry campaign is the only campaign that has attacked anyone's Vietnam record when they attacked President Bush's National Guard record, including two times when Kerry personally spoke about President Bush's lack of Vietnam service.

Just out of curiosity, whom would you expect to contribute to anti-Kerry ads, the DNC?

Also, Kerry called the ads "outright lies." If that is true then he has been libeled and slandered. Why doesn't he sue the Swift Boat group for slander or libel? Simple, that would result in an investigation, which would prove their charges.

Also, why won't Kerry just release his medical records pertaining to the wounds he claims to have received the Purple Hearts for? He refuses to do that. Even you liberals have to wonder why.

A newspaper in Iran recently published a letter, "sent to it by the Kerry staff" (their words), on it's front page. The letter states that if he is elected President that Kerry "---within the first 100 days--- plans to travel to the middle-east and else where to apologize to friends and foes alike for our actions and President Bush's actions in the war on terror."

His staff claims they did not send the letter to the newspaper but did send it to Democrats living overseas. They never denied the content of the letter.

Kerry has stated numerous times that the defining point of his life, which began his anti-war movement, was Christmas Eve 1968. He states that on that night his boat was illegally inside Cambodia by orders of President Nixon. He states he remembers being shot at by Cambodians, South Vietnamese allies and the Kymer Rouge Cambodian group. He states that the memory of that night is "seared into his memory."

It is interesting to note that Nixon DID NOT BECOME PRESIDENT UNTIL JANUARY OF 1969. It is also interesting to note that Navy records show Kerry's boat and others spent Christmas Eve 1968 at a base 54 MILES FROM THE CAMBODIAN BORDER WITH NO DIRECT WATER ACCESS TO CAMBODIA. It is also a fact that the Kymer Rouge was not formed until 1972.

When asked about the above Kerry stated something to the effect that he possibly had gotten confused. Sure, we all get confused about the facts involved with incidents that "define our lives, occur on Christmas Eve and are seared into our memories."

At the DNC the Rev. David Alston made a speech telling how heroic Kerry was and how he owed his life to him. ALSTON NEVER SERVED WITH KERRY. Alston was a crewman on boat PCF94. On 29 January 1969, Alston and the commander of the boat, Ted Peck, were seriously injured and medi-vaced to the hospital. Alston sustained a "serious head wound." Kerry took over command of the boat from February 1st until he left Vietnam on 13 March. Records show that on 29 Feb. a sailor, Fred Short, was on board "replacing the wounded David Alston".

Alston also stated how impressed he was watching Kerry's actions that won him the Silver Star on 28 Feb. ALSTON WAS STILL IN THE HOSPITAL ON 28 FEB.

It's interesting to note that part of Alston's medical records for that period of time are missing.

It is also interesting to note that, of the members of Kerry's crew on PCF94 who speak of how many times he saved their lives, they actually served with him on the boat for only a total of 40 days. And during that time, March 1--11 (11 days), Kerry's records show no assignments nor enemy contact.

Factoring in days off, downtime for boat repairs and routine non-combat missions they probably served on missions with Kerry for 15-20 days.

On 27 Feb. 1992 Kerry made a speech on the Senate floor defending Clinton's non-service and avoidance of the draft as "irrelevant" and said that "Vietnam had been inserted into the campaign. Referring to Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska's (an undisputed Vietnam War hero) use of his Vietnam service against Clinton in the Democratic primaries. Kerry said," What saddens me the most is that Democrats, above all those who shared the agonies of that generation, should now be re-fighting the many conflicts of Vietnam in order to win the current conflict of a Presidential Primary." Now he runs his campaign based almost totally on his Vietnam service. Where is the difference?

A lot of Americans, point to President Bush's National Guard duty as an example of his avoiding Vietnam service. My personal feelings? If President Bush did use the National Guard to avoid Vietnam (which has not been proven) then to me he and anyone else who actively avoided Vietnam is a coward. What I don't understand is why the same voices that condemn Bush so strongly championed Clinton, who not only avoided the draft but also went to Russia during the war? It's a fair question folks.

I've been asked why I am so concerned with Kerry's war record. Kerry's "stolen valor" has cheapened every medal or award received by real heroes who served in Vietnam. His coming back to the US and testifying before Congress, calling Vietnam vets "baby killers" and telling all the other lies about their service was a direct slap in the face to those who honorably served there and died there. He referred to vets as almost like barbarians and animals. He dishonored all of us. Now that he needs us to get elected we suddenly become his "band of brothers."

Kerry joined an organization, Vietnam Veterans Against The War, and actually marched with them, UNDER A COMMUNIST FLAG, asking servicemen to desert, WHILE HE WAS STILL IN THE NAVY. You will remember that this is the same group who were actually in the planning stages of and advocating assassinating US Senators and Congressmen who were pro-war. Kerry does state that he resigned from the group because of this.
This group also desecrated the Iwo Jima Memorial. What did this memorial, to the thousands of Marines who died in the battle for Iwo Jima during WW 2, have to do with the Vietnam War?

His transformation after he decided to run for President is simply amazing. Suddenly he wrapped his being a Vietnam vet and his phony medals around himself as a cloak of patriotism. He suddenly was proud of his service. Suddenly military service became an important factor in a candidate's ability to lead. Suddenly the "baby killers" he condemned, who he now needs to get elected, became his "band of brothers."

Kerry is not being supported by any veteran's organization. His campaign has been hyping the fact they are trying to get 1 million veterans to show their support. There are over 25 million living veterans in our country. If he gets 1 million that would be 4% of the veterans. The last numbers I saw showed that he had approximately 200,000 of the 25 million living veterans supporting him. That's less than 1% of living veterans.

During the DNC his staff reported that veterans were "flocking to the convention to show their support." The media reported that approximately 1,500 showed up for the veterans rally and that many of them were there to oppose him. The DNC never got around to determining what the ratio was.

As an example, during his recent speech at the VFW National Convention the media showed some veterans applauding Kerry. What they failed to show were the vets, including a group from Lexington, Kentucky and Maine standing with their backs to him as he spoke. Ask yourself, why are so few veterans supporting him and why are so many opposing him?

Kerry has chosen to run his campaign on his Vietnam service. You will notice he only talks about "what he will do for our country," not what he has done in the almost 20 years he's been in office.

According to research, by Conservative groups, Kerry is the most liberal Senator in Washington. His voting record is available for anyone to see. It shows that even though he says "he supports our military, veterans and troops," that Kerry has voted AGAINST EVERY WEAPONS SYSTEM AND MILITARY APPROPRIATIONS BILL SINCE HE'S BEEN IN THE SENATE. Yes, that includes the one, which would have provided bulletproof vests for our troops in Iraq.

He has also voted to kill ALL anti-terrorism funding of every agency of the US Government, to cut FBI funding by 60%, CIA funding by 80% and NSA funding by 80%. He did however vote to increase our United Nations funding by 800%.

He has also stated that as President he will place our troops overseas under the control of the United Nations. His record is a matter of public record, review it and decide for yourself.

Since he is running almost solely on his Vietnam record it is only logical that with all the charges, from reputable sources, about that service, that it should be investigated. Ask yourself, would we really want it any other way?

Next week I will talk about his medals. As I said, the facts are out there. The above items are just a few of many questions and doubts about this man who would be President, at any cost. I could fill page after page with others. Take the time to find out for yourself. Don't let partisan politics or dislikes for our President enable a man like John Kerry to become our leader.

My personal choice for President? My vote will be for neither Bush or Kerry. However, my vote will be cast "against Kerry."

But then, that's just my opinion.---based on facts.