Dipping My Toes Into Politics

Thoughts on current events with great help from FoxNews and its fair and balanced journalists. This blog will focus mainly on the current Presidential election and the United Nations Oil-For-Food scandal. Occasional bouts of folly and conspiratorial fun will abound. Links to the original articles are provided in the main title of each post. FoxNews Oil-For-Food documents have been posted here in chronological order for further study and examination of the unfolding scandal.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Man Who Would Be President, Part II

The Man Who Would Be President
Part II

Danny Calhoun
September 7th, 2004

This is the second in a series of articles about John Kerry. They are intended to present facts about him and his phony war record that the media refuses to cover. Facts that might affect his ability to lead our country and question his true character. If you are close minded, blinded by partisan politics or an "enlightened, diverse and tolerant liberal" you may not want to read this article.

When you read the below ask yourself why are hundreds of highly decorated honorable Vietnam veterans, including at least one who served on his boat, who served along side him on the Swift Boats and millions of other veterans questioning his claims of heroism?

Why has the Judicial Watch organization sued demanding an investigation into his claims by the Department of Defense?

Why will he not allow his book "Tour of Duty" to be reprinted?

Why will Wal-Mart, Borders and other major bookstores not restock or even stock the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth book, "UNFIT FOR COMMAND," which is becoming a national best seller.

Why does Kerry only attack the groups questioning him instead of disproving their allegations?

Why has Kerry stopped the publication of his new book recounting his heroics in Vietnam?

Why will he not simply release his medical records showing the extent and treatment for his "wounds?" I guess it's as Hilary said, "A vast right-wing conspiracy," and we all know how that one turned out.


Always standing proudly at Kerry's side Rassman is eager to tell how Kerry saved his life in Vietnam. He recommended Kerry for the Silver Star for saving him (Kerry received the Bronze Star instead). His memory seems to falter at times as he has told at least 2 differing accounts about the rescue.

Mr. Rassman is enjoying his 15 minutes of fame. He is being flown around the country in private jets; staying in 5 star hotels, eating in the finest restaurants and having his ego stroked daily, by the Kerry campaign. It would be very interesting to know how much the campaign is reimbursing him for his "expenses and time."

Perhaps Kerry wouldn't be so quick to use him if he knew exactly what kind of character Rassman has.

Rassman and I both worked as Los Angeles County California Deputy Sheriffs from the mid 1970,s thru the late 1980's. The word is he was forced to retire (medical) due to numerous occasions of sexual harassment of female employees and civilians and other allegations. One Deputy described his actions as "reminiscent of the Pirates of the Caribbean Disneyland ride when the pirates were chasing the women." (paraphrased)

Just recently, in Oregon, Rassman was sued by the wife of another retired Deputy Sheriff for sexual harassment. He lost and paid a large settlement to the Deputy's wife.

Just the kind of man to stand up for Kerry.

No one is disputing the fact that Kerry was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star and 3 Purple Hearts in Vietnam. Kerry keeps insisting that he has made his Vietnam records available. This is just not true. He has released only the records showing that he received the medals. He refuses to release almost 100 pages of his records, including his medical records showing the extent and treatment of the "wounds" he received the medals for. He also refuses to release most copies of his "Boats Log" and other personal records His spokesmen have stated that "the records have been released." Yes, but to only one person to "organize" for a possible book.

It is important to remember that Navy regulations state that if a person receives 3 Purple Hearts they are entitled to request transfer out of a combat zone. Even though no other Swift Boat crewmen, that were not seriously wounded and required to, requested to leave early, that is exactly what Kerry did.

In the 1971 debate with John O'Neill (Author of "UNFIT FOR COMMAND") on the Dick Cavett Show, Kerry made it sound like his decision to leave Vietnam early was a hard one to make. He said "----after I received my third wound, I was told I could return to the United States. I deliberated for about 2 weeks because there was a difficult decision in whether or not you leave your friends----." This was proven to be another lie. Records show that Kerry received his 3rd "wound" on March 13, 1969. On March 17th, 1969, at 7:42 AM, his written request to leave Vietnam was received and logged in at the Navy Department, in Washington, D.C.

It is also interesting to note that this debate took place in 1971. So much for Kerry's claim that the Swift Boat veterans just now started questioning his military record to assist President Bush.

It is also important to remember that Kerry made it known that he needed "in-country Vietnam time" for his political resume. When he volunteered for Swift Boat duty the assignment was a relatively safe one. Only after Kerry was assigned did the duty become a very hazardous one.

Kerry's campaign staff has already stated that Kerry may have been "confused" about his heroic Christmas Eve 1968 journey into Cambodia. (SEE PART 1) Now they are starting to back track on his deserving his first Purple Heart. They are stating that "it may have been an unintentional self-inflicted wound." They issued this statement after a copy of one of Kerry's boat logs surfaced in which he wrote nine days later that "as of that time he nor his crew had been shot at."

Commander Grant Hibbard (retired) was Kerry's Commanding Officer while he was training for Swift Boat duty. He states that he sent Kerry on a training mission with one of his most trusted Boat Commanders, on Dec. 2nd, 1968. The following day during a de-briefing it was reported that the mission never received any enemy fire, no shots were fired by them or at them in combat. He said Kerry advised him of a wound and showed him "a scratch on his arm and a small piece of shrapnel in his hand. Kerry requested to be given a Purple Heart and was told basically "to forget it."

He was advised by the Boat Commander that Kerry had practice fired an M-79 Grenade Launcher which hit the riverbank and blew shrapnel back on to the boat. He said he "chewed Kerry out" over the incident. Under these conditions Kerry would not be eligible for a Purple Heart.

Hibbard states that he later found out Kerry received a Purple Heart for the injury several months later and "he has no information as to how or whom." This is one of issues that Judicial Watch is demanding be investigated.

After leaving the de-briefing Kerry reported to the base hospital to seek treatment for "his wound." He was seen by Navy Doctor Letman, who states he remembers the incident because he was treating servicemen with serious injuries and was amazed that Kerry would seek treatment for such a minor injury. He said he removed a "sliver" of shrapnel from the back of Kerry's hand using "tweezers," cleaned the area and covered it with a bandage. Please note that this was the next day and Kerry was still walking around with this "sliver" in his hand. The sliver of shrapnel wound was described as "the size caused by a thorn."

Also, it is interesting to note that Georgia Senator Max Cleland, an undisputed Vietnam hero, who Kerry recently sent to Texas to deliver a letter to President Bush, lost both legs, an arm and sustained other horrible wounds in a grenade explosion while in-country Vietnam. He accidentally dropped a grenade while at a base camp causing the injuries. He DID NOT receive a Purple Heart for those injuries due to them being "accidentally self-inflicted in a non-combat situation," just as Kerry's "wound" was.

Another interesting note. Terry McAuliffe, of Kerry's staff has consistently referred to Cleland as "A triple amputee who left 3 limbs on the battlefields of Vietnam." This is obviously intended to make people think that Cleland was wounded in combat.

I am still researching the facts on his receiving this medal. However, there are a couple of interesting things to note about Kerry's Silver Star.

When receiving a Silver Star and other personal medals for heroism they must be accompanied by a written citation and other documentation showing the actions taken that earned the medal. Kerry has 3 DIFFERENT citations for his Silver Star. Admiral Zumwalt wrote the first at the time of the incident. This one does not appear on Kerry's web page. Admiral John Hyland wrote the 2nd one. The 3rd one was alleged to be written (it shows it was signed by him) by Secretary of the Navy John Lehman during the Reagan Administration, which contains several revisions and additional wording embellishing the facts. Among that wording, which did not appear in the first 2 citations, is included "by his brave actions, bold initiative, and unwavering devotion to duty---" The 2nd and 3rd citations do appear on his web page.

None of the experts on military awards shown these 3 citations can ever remember seeing 3 separate citations for the same medal. Letman has recently stated he has no idea why this 3rd citation was written under his name and is asking for an investigation. He stated the same about Kerry's 2nd Bronze Star Citation (see below.)

This one is also still being researched. However, this also has 2 separate citations. One written by Adm. Zumwalt at the time of the incident and the 2nd again by Secretary of the Navy Lehman during the Reagan Administration. The 2nd one also embellishes Kerry's actions.

Kerry's Military DD-214 FORM, which is a recap of his military career showing his assignments, medals and awards and other information, also has a couple of "discrepancies." It shows his Silver Star as having a "V" for valor attachment. The "V" for valor attachment is not authorized for the Silver Star Medal. The very nature of the medal indicates valor so the attachment is not needed.

His DD-214 also shows his Vietnam Service Medal has having 4 Campaign Stars (Battle Stars). The stars are issued for participation in any of the named 17 Department of Defense campaigns that extended from 1962 to the cease-fire in 1973. Kerry's time in Vietnam would have only qualified him for 2 campaign stars; one for "Counteroffensive, Phase VI" and one for "TET69, Counteroffensive," if he participated in those operations.

Kerry's discharge shown on his web site also shows that he was not discharged until July 13, 1978. He should have been discharged in July of 1972. Why is there a 6-year delay in his discharge?

The above "discrepancies" are being investigated as records become available and are part of the investigation Judicial Watch has sued to have done by the Department of Defense.

As more and more facts about Kerry's "heroism" come out more questions are being raised by more people about what the truth really is.

Again folks regardless of your political affiliation or feelings toward President Bush the doubts are there. This man is a phony.

More next week on Kerry's medals.

But then, that's just my opinion.