Dipping My Toes Into Politics

Thoughts on current events with great help from FoxNews and its fair and balanced journalists. This blog will focus mainly on the current Presidential election and the United Nations Oil-For-Food scandal. Occasional bouts of folly and conspiratorial fun will abound. Links to the original articles are provided in the main title of each post. FoxNews Oil-For-Food documents have been posted here in chronological order for further study and examination of the unfolding scandal.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Madame Hillary: The Road to the White House - Book Review

Hillary: dishonest, grasping, and corrupt -- and now, says R. Emmett Tyrrell, she's going to do everything she can to become President

"This is a woman who's been first lady, who's lived in the White House and shared power with a president," says one of Hillary's fellow Senators. "Her ambition is not the Senate leadership. . . . It's obvious she has a much greater goal in mind. Her ambition is the White House, with all the moves to prepare the way." Now, R. Emmett Tyrrell and Mark Davis reveal in Madame Hillary: The Road to the White House that not only is Hillary determined to be President: she has the power, the influence, and the determination to attain that goal.

Tyrrell's American Spectator magazine was one of the Bill Clinton administration's most formidable opponents. For eight solid years it remained a persistent (as well as a devastatingly perceptive and witty) obstacle to the Clintons' attempts to hoodwink the public and whitewash their own corruption. Now Tyrrell, the author of Boy Clinton, has Hillary in his sights again! He reveals that her focus from the first day in the Senate (and long before that as well) has been to capture the presidency - and as a Senator puts it: "She's more disciplined than in the White House, and more poisonously partisan than Bill."

Tyrrell details her plans to capture the presidency -- with help from the liberal media establishment, which continues to treat her adoringly and ignore uncomfortable questions about her record. With an insider's access to Hillary's Senate colleagues and other key players, he examines in detail several strategies she may use to win. He also explains how she distorts the Clinton administration's sorry record in order to position herself for her own run for the Oval Office, forecasts the damage that a President Hillary might inflict upon the nation - and best of all, shows how she can be stopped. A sampling of what you'll discover:

  • The Basic Hillary: abundant evidence that this hero of the Left is in fact little more than a controlling personality and a self-promoting dynamo

  • Why Bill Clinton's decision to run for President in 1992 was the most brilliant choice the Clintons ever made -- and how Hillary plans to duplicate it in 2004 or 2008

  • 2004 or 2008? Why, despite intense pressure from some of the Democratic party's heaviest hitters to run in 2004, 2008 looks like Hillary's best chance (although that could change quickly)

  • How Hillary did all she could through 2003 to detract, distract, and denigrate her party's presidential hopefuls -- including trying to keep wll-heeled Democrats from supporting other candidates financially, thereby keeping her options open for 2004

  • Howard Dean: why his hostility to the Clintons is real, and poses a genuine threat to Hillary

  • The long-term strategy that might compel Hillary to run for Vice President in 2004

  • How Hillary and her supporters might not run in a single primary, and then engineer a takeover of the Democratic convention in order to win the big prize

  • Skillful ways Hillary has managed the transition from First Lady to Senator -- and even affected a deceptive veneer of bipartisanship and willingness to compromise

  • Hillary's charm: says a fellow Senator, "She stares at you across the table, those eyes cold, calculating. She holds a grudge. She looks like she has ice water in her veins. . . . Her every action betrays a deep-seated hatred of conservatism"

  • Why Hillary's attacks on the Bush administration are not logically planned thrusts in a strategic attack -- and why she prefers not to work off a hard and fast plan against Bush

  • How candidate Hillary will try to run to the Right in a presidential campaign, although in a Hillary presidency she will govern from the hard Left

  • Saul Alinsky: the astonishing truth about Hillary's radical ideological mentor -- and how, despite her disavowals, she continues to follow his program down to the smallest detail

  • Hillary's Iraq War juggling act: how she managed to hold a dizzying variety of contradictory positions -- all in service of keeping her presidential ambitions afloat

  • The four-step approach that both Bill and Hillary have used to great effect to blunt criticism and silence questions about the many blemishes on the Clinton record

  • Living History: subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which her book reveals Hillary's vengeful, paranoid, grudge-holding tendencies

  • How Hillary unscrupulously used the death of Daniel Patrick Moynihan to defy Senate tradition and position herself as a major power broker

  • Bill Clinton's administration: how its lack of accomplishments could actually improve Hillary's chances to become President in her own right

  • Hillary's private life? "I don't think she's had one," says Dick Morris -- evidence that without the narcissistic appeal of the klieg lights and applause, she would have no real identity

  • The long-term strategic costs of the Democratic party's involvement with the Clintons: how they have weakened the party that nevertheless continues to fawn over them

  • Abortion: how Hillary's unbending support for legalized abortion may actually end up hurting her chances to become President -- and her clever attempts to recast her support for abortion as an anti-Big Government position

  • President Hillary: how she would be likely to govern -- and what conservatives will have to do in order to survive

There's a great deal at stake in Hillary's quest for the presidency. Says an Arkansas politician: "Hillary is the ideologue, the true-blue leftist." Packed with eye-opening facts and incisive insights, Madame Hillary proves conclusively that a Hillary victory in 2004 or 2008 would be an unmitigated disaster for our nation, doing damage that would take generations to repair. As Tyrrell puts it, "Freedom is the cause. And we need to show that if Madame Hillary loses, freedom wins." Madame Hillary gives you the ammunition you need to do just that.