Peaceful Protests? Big Business.
These days, protesting is big business. In looking at only one group's website, I discovered there is training available. Training? Why is training necessary to voice your personal opinion?
There are speakers available, from a wide variety of political arenas, to teach protestors what to say, how to say it, when to say it.
From that site, regarding the recent protests at the RNC:
What to Bring
BANNERS AND SIGNS: We will have thousands of posters available in the assembly area to promote the key messages of the march, but we strongly encourage you to bring your own signs and banners, identifying the community or constituency you represent and/or expressing your reasons for opposing the Bush Agenda. After the march, we encourage you to hang a sign in your window, especially if you live in New York City, and keep it up for the duration of the Republican Convention. Note: NYPD regulations prohibit the use of wooden or metal sticks to hold up signs; use cardboard tubes instead.
DRUMS AND OTHER NOISEMAKERS: To help make this march a spirited, energizing, and powerful event, bring drums, tambourines, and other noisemakers. Improvise - pots, pans, and plastic tubs all make great percussion instruments.
LEGAL INFORMATION: Our August 29 protest is a peaceful, legal, permitted march and we do not expect any problems, but in the interest of preparedness, observers from the National Lawyers Guild NYC Chapter will be on hand. If you have concerns or see an arrest, look for their volunteers in bright green hats, or call their hotline at 212-679-6018. Visit our website at
for more detailed legal information, and to download a "Know Your Rights" brochure.
A CELL PHONE, if you have one, or QUARTERS FOR PAY PHONE CALLS. There will be a huge crowd, and the logistics will be complex. Don't get lost from the friends, family or group you want to protest with. Be sure that you have cell phone numbers for others in your group so that you can reestablish communication if you are separated. Program the National Lawyers Guild legal contact number into your phone -- 212-679-6018 -- and call it if you see any arrests happen.
Percussion as in having the ability to hit someone with a pot or pan because the question they've asked is unanswerable by the well-trained, peaceful demonstrator? Come on! How obvious is this?
The regulations plainly prohibit the use of wooden or metal sticks, yet protestors are encouraged to bring pots and pans? Sounds like a crudely well-armed mob to me.
Peaceful? I don't think so.
Big money, but from where, to publish all the booklets, leaflets, pamphlets, posters, signs, buttons, radios, cell phones, etc.?
The protestors feel an intimidation because cameras are present during their demonstrations. Feel their rights are being infringed upon. Isn't that why they protest? For the publicity? To get the word out? Consider the police officer recently beaten into unconsciousness by one of the RNC protestors while the attorney from the National Lawyers Guild NYC Chapter, clad in a bright green cap, stood close by and watched and did absolutely nothing to stop the assault. No need to use the phone number programmed into the cell. The lawyer was right there while a brutal physical assault happened. No wonder lawyers are so despised. Good thing the cameras were there to capture every moment of the peaceful demonstration on video tape for their wanted publicity. I'd sure want to have the irrefutible evidence of that person's assault on a member of my family.