The Not-Too-Illuminated Left
A post found on the political board I frequent from time-to-time, a perfect example of the Left's hypocrisy.
Okay, another funny from the new folks heading up your Congress.As we all know, Pelosi recently had a watered down ethics bill passed in the House. Basically, it created some level of transparency for Congressmen adding earmarks to legislation and forced disclosure for any personal gain. What made it typical liberal window dressing was the bill made no mention of lobbyist contributions to PACs. So you’d think that a relatively benign bill like this would be an easy bill to pass, even for Liberals.
Not so fast. Over in the Senate, Harry Reid worked overtime to pull out all the provisions which dealt with earmark reform. So what did those sly dog Republicans do?? They amended the bill by adding the exact language Pelosi had in her bill. According to the WSJ, Senate Democrats immediately took to the floor and denounced such Republican trickery, apparently completely unaware the language was from their own beloved Madame Speaker. After stepping to the podium to one by one lambaste Republicans for such a draconian amendment, Senate Democrats, led by Durbin moved to table the amendment. Luckily, they lost, 51 to 46. Of the 46 Senators who voted against the secret Pelosi language, 38 were of course, Democrats.
As it stands now, Harry Reid continues to work tirelessly as promised….. to kill any accountability for federal spending.